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He jumps as the door bursts open, nearly spilling his inkwell. Your grand and epic entrance really makes him wish he hadn't given you a key.
"Are you ready for tonight's shenanigans?"
"Jesus, YN you nearly gave me a heart attack! The fuck you got up your sleeve tonight?"
You hold forth the bottles of whiskey you brought and bow. "ta-da!"
"Are we really going to do this? I spent all day with Hanji laughing about how I smelled like 'New Cinnamon-scented Levi', now she's going to be calling me whiskey breath."
"Hey, the New Cinnamon-scented Levi is way better than 'Original Scent, now with extra bleach'!"
"It's the bleach that brought the ladies."
"Yeah, Levi. Brought them to tears maybe. Come on, there's devilry afoot!" You head into his small kitchen area and grab two glasses. He sits on the couch with a sigh, and quickly straightens his shirt. He wants to look nice. He wants you to think he does, too.
You glance at him quickly before pouring some alcohol in both glasses. 

"New shirt?"
"Yeah, what do you think?"
"It's nice."
He slumps in disappointment, but perks up a bit a moment later when you snuggle against him and hand him a glass.
"A toast. To sleepless nights and the ridiculous conversations our sleep deprived asses find ourselves in!"
He smiles, and clinks his glass to yours. You both take a swig.
"BLECH!" You exclaim, eyes squeezed shut and tongue hanging out. He laughs, and you give him a friendly shove. The second drink doesn't go down too well either.
"You okay, YN?"
"Yeah. Keep 'em comin'!"

Two hours later:
"Uuuuuuh" You groan, face plastered against his chest. He looks down at you in amusement.
"YN? Do you want to call it a night?"
You look up at him with alcohol glazed eyes. "No. Let's have another." You reach for the last bottle, which is damn near empty; and he pulls you back.
"I think you've had enough."
"What? Nu-uh! You're not even buzzed yet, are you?" You give him an accusing look while playing drunkenly with his lower lip. He pulls back, mildly irritated.
"No, and I don't intend to be."
"I need to go to the bathroom." You manage to get yourself to your feet and teeter towards his bathroom. You're about half way there when you stumble into the wall.
"Oi!" He jumps up and dashes over, catching you before you hit the floor. "Fuck YN, no more alcohol for you ever."
"Ish fine." You slur, and then your eyes widen. "Levi, I'm going to throw up."
"Fuck!" He drags you into the bathroom and literally throws you at the toilet. "Don't get any on the floor!"

He listens to you toss your guts for about five minutes, and then there's silence. With a sigh he opens the door and peeks in. Your head is resting on the toilet seat, and there's vomit on your pants and shirt. Rolling his eyes in amused disgust, he looks around the room. No vomit anywhere else, thank god.
He looks at you lying there for a moment, and then sighs. You can't stay in those clothes. He's going to have to help you get changed, isn't he? Gods, he doesn't know whether to laugh, cry or jump for joy.

"Yn?...." He gives you a shake. "YN?....." Nothing. You're passed out cold. He leaves and comes back moments later with a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. Taking a deep breath, he sets to work undressing you.
'I feel like such a pervert' He thinks to himself, and tries to get you dressed as fast as possible. Unfortunately or blessedly, he finds himself distracted by your panties for a good minute before he shakes his head and forcibly looks away.

'Those barely cover anything!' He thinks, with pink tinged cheeks and an embarrassed smile. Once you're finally dressed, he picks you up and carries you into the bedroom. He's about to extinguish the lamp, when you grab his wrist. He gets an idea then, and it may be a stupid one but so has every idea this past week.
The most truthful souls are small children and drunks.

"Hey, you awake?"
"YN, do you like me?"
You smile sleepily into the pillow. "Of course...bess..fren"
Best friend? That's not what he's looking for at all!
"No." He licks his lips nervously and tries again. "I mean do you like me more than friends?"
You smile again, open your mouth.... and start snoring.
'Fuck my life.' He storms into the living room and flops onto the couch, wanting to die in misery.

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