Anti-climatic Yoga

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"Why are we in the training room instead of my quarters, YN?"
"Because in here, we have comfy mats to use. We're doing yoga."
"Ugh, seriously? I'm not a fucking pretzel, YN."
"But you are a stubborn ass, come on get on the floor with me."
He lifts a brow your way, and you roll your eyes. "Don't even start in again, Levi. Come on, in for a penny..."
"Yeah yeah, I know." He drops down to his knees with you. "All right. What now?"
"This is called wide-kneed child's pose and it's supposed to aide in relaxation." You get into position, and he watches you for a moment before carefully joining in.
"Ow. This is kinda dumb YN."
"Yeah about as dumb as your idea of simultaneously knocking each other unconscious, Levi. Now roll your head back and forth on the mat like this." You demonstrate and he snorts laughter.
"You look ridiculous."
"Yeah, so do you. Knock it off, Levi."

After about fifteen minutes, Levi gives you a rather uncomfortable look.
"Hey YN?"
"Do you feel relaxed? Like at all?"
You sigh and sit up. "Not really, no. Do you want to quit?"
"I'm pretty flexible, but this was just ridiculous. Plus", he says carefully getting up from his position, "I think my neck just died." He gives his head a few experimental turns. "Yeah, it's dead."
You look at him brightly. "Well, tomorrow night is massage. That will be way easier!"
"Massage?" He echoes in alarm.
'How is you rubbing me down going to be easier? Shit!', he thinks and momentarily hides his blushing face.
"Yeah. Is that a problem?" You look at him curiously. He sure is acting strange....
"N-no! Of c-course n-not!" He stammers, and gets up; pulling you with him. "Want to go get tea?"
"Yeah sounds good." You make your way to the mess hall, him giving you little cautious side glances the whole way.

'I can't wait until tomorrow night. No, it's going to be bad; I just know it. Fuck. I'm going to mess it up in royal fashion.' He glances over again, taking in your smiling profile. 'I wonder if she's thinking about tomorrow night too?' He sighs. 'Probably not.'
"Hey YN? Why don't we just do the massage thing now?"
"Yeah? You want to?"
Is it his imagination, or is that eagerness in your voice?
"I mean yeah, why not? My neck is fucked right now."
You nod in assent as you head into the mess hall.
"So who wants to go first? You?"
"No, I'll give you yours first." He says, hoping he doesn't sound too eager.
"What about your neck?" You hand him a cup of tea as you say this, eyeing him questioningly.
"Just sit down." He says firmly.
"Yes sir!" You say pertly, and with a slightly dirty look; he sets to work.

He didn't really think this through though, and now he's so nervous he can barely put his hands on you. At least at first. He's so keyed up over this little experiment that his hands press and pinch a little too hard.
"Fragile flower, here."
He tries to be gentler, but he's so damn nervous! You squirm out from underneath his grasp suddenly, and he steps back.
"Jeez Levi, what has gotten into you lately? Here. Sit down and I'll do you."
'Oh I wish....' He thinks, sitting himself in the chair. Your hands are on him now and he's done for.

Your touch is firm, but gentle at the same time and he wonders to himself how your simple touch is turning him into a steaming pile of putty. Thoroughly relaxed, he leans his head back against you and closes his eyes; trying to focus on what you're doing in the hopes he can mimic it himself. He wants to try to give you a massage again after all, he buggered it up the first time.
"Are you falling asleep?"
Your words jerk him awake. He really was dozing, and now you step back, thoroughly disappointing.
"Let's try and get some sleep", you say and turn to the door. "It can be my turn tomorrow! Night!"
'How the fuck am I getting any sleep when the thought of fondling you tomorrow is rampaging through my head?' He thinks, and with a groan he gets up to put his cup in the sink.

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