Is this too Awkward for You?

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He slept like shit. Well, shittier, would be a more apt description of said failed attempt. He wasn't wrong, it was thoughts of you that kept him up, and he almost wishes he never would have met you in the first place. Almost.
On the other hand, he likes the stability you've given him. Though every one of your sleep experiments have failed utterly, having you as a constant positive force in his life has not been a bad deal at all. Refreshing actually.
He feels kinda like what he imagines those teenage boys on his squad feel like. Dumb, over-excited and like his nerves are buzzing underneath his skin. He just can't seem to get tonight out of his head. His thoughts have been ranging from the simply horrible (he screws up and you leave in disappointment), to the simply wonderful (he's brave and kisses you and you kiss him back). He has no reason to worry about these things though, knowing him he won't have the courage to even tell you how he feels, let alone kiss you. He sighs in frustration and sits back down.

"About time, Levi. You were starting to give me whiplash." Erwin says, pushing a stack of paperwork Levi's way. "I'm not sure if you were even listening to me at all, but this needs attention before our next expedition."
Levi doesn't bother to respond, grabbing the papers and heading out the door. Only two more hours to go.

"Hi!" You show up tonight with an armload of supplies, and he looks at them curiously.
"What's all this?" He asks, picking up a long stick and sniffing it. He jerks his head back and sneezes.
"Bless you." you say, setting it all down on the counter. "Aromatherapy is supposed to aide in the relaxation process and this oil is said to help relax the muscles when applied to the skin during massage." You sniff, then hold it out to him as well. He gives it an experimental sniff and raises an eyebrow approvingly.
"Smells like cinnamon."
"Yeah, I like it! We didn't have all the supplies last night, so after you give me mine, I can give you a massage too."

He gulps, and manages to stutter out an 'okay', as you begin to get things set up. He watches you move around the room, lighting incense and his eyes widen in surprise when you come back to the couch unbuttoning your shirt.
"W-what are you d-d-doing?"
"Levi, how are you going to get the oil on my skin with a shirt in the way? I'm wearing a tank top, see?"
He sighs in relief. That relief is short-lived when you turn around and he sees how much cleavage there is to view.
'ooooh man.'

You sit down and look back at him, noting his slightly uncomfortable look. "Just don't murder my shoulders like you did last night." With that, you turn back around, awaiting your massage. He takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly; trying to remember what you did for him.
'Firm and soft. I can do this, right? Firm and soft, Levi.'
"Hey YN? So what do I do? Just pour this oil shit on you?"
"No! The apothecary said only a couple drops will do."
He applies the oil to his hands, and sets to work. He starts out hesitantly, but gains confidence when this time you don't make any complaints.
"This feels sooo goood, Levi." You kind of half moan, and rest your head against him; eyes closed.
"How long should I do this for?" About ten minutes have gone by, and he's not really in a rush to stop.
"Whenever you're ready, I guess. Believe me, I could sit here and take this treatment all night."

'Me too' he thinks, and continues to work on your arms. He's liking this. A lot. 'We should do this every night' he thinks, moving back to your shoulders. 'I sure wouldn't say no, that's for sure'. He's actually getting a little excited. His turn is next.
"Hey YN? My fingers are starting to cramp."
You sigh, and then look back at him. "Okay. Take your shirt off and lie down."
His eyes widen in sudden panic. "M-my sh-shirt? Lie d-d-down?"
"The oil Levi, remember? Why are you being so weird? I've seen you without a shirt before. Also, I want you to lie down because I'm going to work on your back."
"O-okay." He strips his shirt off and then lies down, feeling incredibly nervous. He relaxes rather quickly though, as the feel of your hands continues.
You stop what you're doing after a couple minutes though. A weird chuffing noise is coming from the pillow.
He turns his head to speak. "I'm good. Just go easy down there."
You continue, but he jumps slightly, emitting another of those chuffing noises. You begin to grin. My isn't THIS fun?
"Levi, are you ticklish?" you ask teasingly, and attack his ribs lightly. He jumps up with a howl.
"Stop!" He yells, and tackles you; pinning you to the floor and tickling you back. You squeal in laughter, writhing underneath him in an effort to escape. He drops down on top of you then, and you gaze steadily at each other.
"I should go." You say, pushing him gently off and standing up. He looked like he was about to kiss you, and it set off a wave of panic.
'Fuck' he thinks, watching you walk out the door. He WAS on the verge of kissing you, and the fail leaves him feeling a little depressed.

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