She climbed out the window and climbed to the roof of the building to sit and watch the sunset. It was beautiful. She did this every day after painting, from ever since she could remember—literally. She always painted this view. The warm colors of the sky that always blended together in pinks, oranges, yellows. The sun disappearing behind the violet mountains, stabbing like spears into the warm colors, contrasting it in a way that made 2301 smile; almost genuinely. She always wondered where the warm sun went as it slowly sunk into the mountains.

She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs. She rested her chin on her knees as she watched the last sliver of the sun dip into the mountain and vanish. She could stay up here forever, watching the tall buildings with flashy lights, and the children playing in the yards. She sighed in wonder at the thought of living like one of them. No fears. No wonders.

When the sun fully disappeared behind the mountains she stood up and stretched. Here's to hoping that the instructors hadn't found her locked door.

2301 woke up when someone knocked on her door ferociously. She laid still for a second, still swimming with the after-effects of her dreams. When she came to the realization that her door was still locked from the night before, she felt no shock or guilt. She only walked to the door, still in her white pajamas, and opened it to see an instructor standing there with her arms folded.

"Locked door again?" The instructor asked with narrowed eyes. She stood at least a foot taller than 2301 and that was without the chunky heels adding a couple inches. She was the meanest instructor of the bunch, the one that gave the cruelest punishments and had no mercy whatsoever.

"I'm sorry. When I changed into my pajamas last night, I must have forgotten to unlock the door."

When the instructor started to walk down the hallway, 2301 knew that she was meant to follow. She quickly dressed, and ran after the instructor. When she saw that she was going into an office instead of the room where people lost their memories, she noticed how her shoulders relaxed in the least way, puzzling her. Was relaxation an emotion? She crossed pathways with 14, who gave her almost no glance when she saw the instructor marching in front of her.

2301 sat patiently when the instructor started to scold 290 for not getting dressed yet.

She forced a smile at the appropriate times, and even complimented the instructor on her quintessential, tight, grey bun that sat uncomfortably at the top of her head.

Acting like the good child she was taught to be.

When they finally reached the office, 2301 was stunned when a hand slapped across her face. It burned, and no doubt, probably had a red mark already surfacing. She brought a hand to her cheek but retaliated none as she waited for the instructor to speak.

"2301, this has to stop."

"What?" she asked dumbly, still focused on the tingling pain of the hit.

"Your obvious casualty for your locked door," the instructor said as she furrowed her brows in anger. "We made that rule for safety, and since you are repeatedly forgetting to unlock it after dress, we are going to have to take that privilege away."

"What privilege are you talking about?" 2301 asked.

"You can no longer have a lock on your door."

2301 blinked.

"Since you obviously are not mature enough to handle this privilege, then we will wait until you are."

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