Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Oh okay," I walked over to the said bags. "Why didn't finish unpacking first before cutting vegetables?"

"I need to finish afternoon food on time and Madam Abigail, follow big madam comot" she replied. (Madam Abigail went out along with Mrs. Coker)

"Ohh" I nodded. "If I finish quickly, I might come and help you out"

"Eyah. Thank you" she smiled and returned to her vegetables

I tore open a new box of cookies, threw some into a saucer, placed the plates on a tray and began my journey to Yinka's room. Reaching the door, I placed two loud knocks on the door before stepping in.

Yinka was seated at the edge of his bed and Prisca was still in the spot I'd left her. This time, she had pulled down her dress and managed to re-arrange her hair. I walked over to his dressing table and placed the tray on it.

"No. Drop it here" Prisca ordered, pointing to his bedside table.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and did as she commanded. Just as I placed the tray on the said table, next to where she laid, I heard her sniff the air. Not very subtle sniffs. For some reason, her countenance changed, and not for the better.

Is she trying to say that I'm smelling?

I can't even be if that's what she was trying to insinuate. I made sure to use deodorants every time I left the house and also carried one along in my bag, just in case. I even wore the perfume Yinka got me for the first time today.

I don't know what her problem was but it definitely wasn't me.


The chirping of birds outside the house came in through the small laundry room window. Gently, I placed the hot iron on its plastic bottom and used my palm to dab off the beads of sweat on my forehead. The air was hot and arid and the scorching sun was at its peak.

I folded Mr. Coker's dress shirt and picked up a suit pant next, from the freshly washed heap. I placed the iron on it and began straightening out the creases. The iron encountered a slight bump around the pockets.

With creased brows, I placed the iron on its side and stuck my hands into the pocket. Withdrawing my hand, I pulled out a small black material.

A black lacy G-string!

My eyes grew wide as I stared at the material, spread out in the air by my fingers.

This has to be some kind of mix-up.

Mrs. Coker doesn't leave out her underwear for me to wash, not to talk of wearing this kind of panty. I know for sure that this wasn't her underwear. Even if it were, why would it be in her husband's pocket? In his pantsuit pocket for that matter. Aren't they too old for those kinds of shenanigans?

I don't understand.

Mr. Coker just got back from a business trip and this was a part of the outfits he travelled along with. Does that mean, it wasn't a business trip? Or maybe it was a business trip with a dash of affair?


I found it hard to believe that Mr. Coker would cheat on his wife. First of all, he was an old, strict, serious-minded man. Secondly, his wife was literally an angel; a very beautiful one. Lastly, he had a grown man as a son.

Mrs. Coker might be older but she was still a catch. You could hardly guess that she was in her mid-forties. Tall, curvy, fashionable and elegant. Fresh skin like milk. What more could he possibly want?

This piece of fabric in my hands proved otherwise. I never thought I'd be a part of the people who said this but some men are literal trash.

"Neye! Did you see my—"

I flung the panty under the trouser with the speed of lightning as soon as I heard Yinka's voice.

"Yeah?!" I said, my voice a lot more high pitched than normal

He appeared in the doorway. "Did you see my black and white striped vest?"

"No" I rushed out.

He looked a little taken aback by my quick response.

Can you be a little less suspicious? I mentally scolded myself.

"Uhm... h-have you searched your room for it?" I said, nervously rubbing the back of my neck

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Yeah... Are you okay?"

"Of course" I nervously chuckled and then cleared my throat. "I'm fine"

Why do I feel like the culprit here? It was almost like I was the owner of the panty

He raised an eyebrow, watching me intently. "Okay..."

"I'll keep an eye out for it... I mean, I'll look for it when I'm done" I said, gesturing to the iron.

"Okay... thanks," he said, eyeing me warily and then walked off.

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

I was not about to tell him that his father could possibly be cheating. It was not my place to tell and none of my business. I mean, we were friends but we're not that close. And, for all I know, this could all be a mix-up.

Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Coker's friend messed up his clothes just before a very important conference and Mr. Coker, being a thoughtful person, lent out a spare to his friend. Maybe?

I laughed at my ridiculous hypothesis.

This is funny and at the same time not funny.

Poor Mrs. Coker

I resumed my ironing and after I was done with the trouser, I replaced the panty into the pocket. I can't have Mr. Coker suspecting that I know. I have to work on keeping a poker face around Mr. Coker or my job would be at risk.

Which kain wahala be this now?



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