It's Time

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Alberto's POV:

I woke up to a familiar situation, Luca was laying with his head on my chest, moving up and down with my breaths. I smiled, putting a hand on his back. He lifted his head, smiling at me, and I smiled back. He lay his head back down and said

"I think it's time."

"Time for what?" He sat up next to me, looking me in the eye.

"For us to travel the world together. Just me and you." I sat up too, intrigued by the Idea.

"But Massimo, I'm Finally part of a good Family."

"We'll be back. We have another two months until Giulia leaves for school. I'll stay with you this summer, we'll travel, and come back here to see Massimo for the Holidays." There was a hopeful look in his eyes and I nodded, warming to the Idea.

"Yeah, let's do it." Luca heaved himself off the bed, leaving the room for a minute, and returning with his bag from Genova. He hadn't even unpacked.

"When do you want to leave?"
"You're leaving?" Massimo asked from the doorway. I bit the inside of my cheek, searching for an answer.

"Sì senor Marcovaldo. But we will come back for the holidays. And we'll say goodbye to Giulia before she leaves for school." I looked down at the comforter on my bed.

"Be careful, Ragazzi." Massimo said. I looked up in surprise, I hadn't expected him to react so calmly. Massimo held out a small suitcase to me, and I took it.

"Grazie papà" Massimo smiled, and I hugged him. He wrapped his arm around me, returning

the gesture.

"Be careful, my son."

We spent the rest of the day packing, shoving clothes in our bags. We took a break around noon to eat lunch, and then went back to packing. When Giulia asked what we were doing, Luca hesitated, so I answered for him. Her response was different from what I had expected.

"You're leaving?"

"Just for a little while. We'll be back before you leave for Genova. And we'll come visit you!" Luca said.

"You're not coming this year, are you?"

"Maybe next year but-" he sighed. "Not this year. No." Giulia took a deep breath in, holding it for a moment, and then exhaling.

"Okay, but you had better write." She said, her finger in my face. "You know Papà will want you to write to him as well."

"I know, and we will."

"When are you leaving?"


"Where will you go?" I hadn't really thought about it, but Luca answered right away.

"Rome! I want to see the colosseum." He grinned, and I smiled.

"Yeah, what he said."

"I want postcards!"

"Okay! Okay! So demanding." I laughed.

"I'm going to miss you ragazzi." She grabbed Luca and I, pulling us into a tight group hug.

"Stay safe boys."

"We will. And don't worry, we'll come visit you anytime we come to see Papà."Giulia sniffed, finally releasing us. She then stood up straight, clapping her hands.

"All right, I'm going to help you finish packing."

"Okay!" Giula walked over to my closet, which was already pretty empty. She grabbed the last few shirts, handing them to me, before turning back to the closet, and grabbing the remaining pair of shorts. Tossing them to me. I snatched them out of the air, putting them in my bag. She looked down and pointed at my feet.

"City streets are gross, you'll need shoes. Come on, we'll go to the store." I looked at Luca, confused.


"They protect your feet, come on." Luca followed Giulia, and after a second, I followed after them.

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