Making it Official

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We went home that night, and sure enough, Giulia was already there.

"Did you have a good day at work Alberto?" Massimo asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, Dante swam a little too far out." Alberto put his hand on my shoulder "But Luca saved him." I smiled shyly and nodded.

"Good job Luca!" Giulia exclaimed.

"How did things go with Guido?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. I didn't like all the attention. Giulia blushed, and Alberto looked confused. 

"What do you mean?" he asked

"Giulia left with Guido a few minutes after you went into the water." Alberto gave Giulia a sly smile and she rolled her eyes in response, although I thought I saw a small smile on her face. I looked at the dining room table and saw sheets of paper. Giulia had gone to help her dad cook. I grabbed Alberto's arm and gestured at the table.

"Are those what I think they are?" I asked in a whisper. Alberto walked over to the table and looked at the papers.  A grin spread across his face and my suspicions were confirmed. Those were Alberto's adoption papers! He looked up at me and nodded, his smile growing bigger every second. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy for you!" I said as I buried my face in the folds of his shirt. He hugged me back. 

"Me too." A voice then whispered beside us

"Cu-ute!" I jumped back to see a grinning Giulia. "Papa told me earlier." Still grinning, she elbowed Alberto in the side and said "Bro." Massimo turned around holding plates loaded with Fish and pasta. We sat down, and Massimo spread out the papers across the table, A lot of the papers already had signatures, with a few blank spots with lines underneath that read: Child's Signature. Massimo handed Alberto a pencil, and he signed the blank spots. As he signed the last one, the whole house erupted in cheers. Alberto hugged Massimo, and the large man wrapped his arm around Alberto's skinny frame.

"Welcome to the family Alberto."

"Thanks, Dad." 

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