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I woke to the sound of soft snoring. I sat up on the bed, feeling the soft sheets against my skin. Alberto sat on the floor, leaned against the bed frame. I carefully slipped out of Alberto's bed and crept out of the room, going downstairs. Giulia and Massimo sat at the dining table, chatting quietly. I finished descending the stairs and Giulia looked up.

"Luca!" She grinned "How are you feeling?


"Where's Alberto?" Massimo asked

"He's asleep."

"Not anymore." Alberto said, walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so comfortable!" I laughed. He smiled, draping his arm over my shoulders. I blushed slightly as Alberto answered.

"I figured I would let you have the bed."

"I can share." It was Alberto's turn to blush. Giulia smirked

"You two are cute together." I blushed harder, and Alberto shot her a look, and she raised her hands in surrender. "It's true." Alberto took his arm off my shoulders, and went upstairs.

"Alberto-" I followed him upstairs, stopping his bedroom door from closing and following him as he sat on his bed. I sat next to him, hearing the box springs groan under the extra weight.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Bruno." Uh oh.

"What happened?"

"Bria, Dario, and who knows how many others. And he reached out to me. Why?"

"You were his first kid, maybe he wanted to find you first. And then go find the rest."

"I don't know. Maybe." There was uncertainty in his voice and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For always being there for me." He tensed slightly

"Luca, I wasn't able to stop Dario from using the chloroform."

"And where is he now?"

"Giulia and Bria took him to the Police."

"He's getting what he deserves."

"I hope so." he wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled in closer, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. I looked out the window opposite Alberto's bed, the sky was growing dark, the stars just starting to show themselves. Alberto leaned his head on mine, and we watched as the sky darkened, more and more stars appearing in the night sky. My eyes began to feel heavy, and I drifted off to sleep.

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