⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟐𝟓

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"mum and dad can't do that! that's cruel!" jaemin argued, his mouth agape.

"they can." hyejin sighed, staying in jia's arms, ignoring seonghyun who was was spouting nonsense and harsh words.

"my parents must be idiots to do something like this." donghyuck grumbled.

"hold your tongue, you filthy traitor." seonghyun snapped and donghyuck's eyes widened in horror.

to be called a traitor...

it was a big deal. it was horrible. donghyuck couldn't believe he'd be called such a thing and by his own family. he felt like a disappointment, a failure, but he wasn't. to his friends he was a good person, trying to do good deeds with their help. it was a shame his family could have such a influence over him. controlling and manipulative parents... yunhee understood that all too well.

"move along, seonghyun." renjun said, anger boiling in him.

"shut up, you geek." he replied, turning around to walk away. chenle and mark quickly grabbed the ravenclaw, holding him back, but they had failed to notice yunhee who was sneaking up on seonghyun.

"hey, seonghyun." she called, tapping his back. the second he turned around her fist landed on his face sending him crumbling to the floor. "you're past redemption at this point."

he got back up, covering his bloody nose then made a run for it down the hallways bumping into students as he did.

"that was awesome, yun." chenle said.

"donghyuck..." mark reached out to the boy who had gone quiet, gritting his teeth.

"don't." he slapped mark's hand away and disappeared past the groups of students that were hurrying on their way to dinner or the common rooms.

"please be patient with him. don't get mad if he treats you differently for a while. he doesn't mean it." jaemin told them before following after his furious friend. their gazes lingered on the boys back feeling conflicted.

it was hard to imagine all of this had happened. jisung, a snitch? donghyuck and jaemin, traitors to their family, hyejin stuck with a future she doesn't want, jia and chenle heartbroken, mark disappointed, renjun full of rage, yunhee torn between thoughts, jeno and aerin trying to be the glues to stop the group from falling apart.

"i feel so empty right now." chenle whispered and yunhee hugged him, understanding that having that feeling of being left by jisung again was worse than the first time.

"how did we get to this point?" mark asked. "everything we did made things worse."

"i guess it's time we stop caring so much. the more we care, the more we lose." renjun said and they all couldn't help but agree.   


𝐚𝐩𝐫 𝟐𝟐 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔

everyone had returned from easter holidays and on the first day back they were sitting their OWL's.

yunhee was sat towards the middle of the hall. throughout the exam she had been switching from staring at the swinging clock, to the board and then to her paper that she had barely written anything on. in front of her, jeno and renjun had probably written at least fives pages in the time she had written one paragraph.

it didn't help that there were constant bangs coming from outside. she couldn't concentrate with even the slightest noise so this was beyond irritating. however, it gave her another thing to focus on when umbridge went storming past the desks and pushed open the doors.

yunhee had seen this in her dreams. she knew what was about to happen. it was what she was looking forward to. the weasley's twins great exit from hogwarts.

a small light blue firework flew into the hall, bursting with a quiet sound and sparks. there was a brief moment of silence then she heard the voices of the weasley twins as they flew into the hall on broomsticks throwing fireworks around and drawing much excitement.

yunhee had a grin plastered on her face as she joined chenle next to his desk. they carelessly stood on the exam papers on the floor while small fireworks burst around them like flowers.

"look at malfoy." jeno said, pointing at the slytherin that was running from fireworks that were targeting him.

as yunhee's eyes wandered the hall, she found herself looking at jisung who was still sat, wordlessly, at his desk. no one had said anything to him since the incident with the D.A and he hadn't said anything to them either. it was a mutual understanding that they didn't want to speak to each other... or so that's what the group of friends assumed.

jisung felt awful. he wanted to speak to them, tell them so many things, but the guilt was eating away at him and he couldn't find the right words. he felt sick. he couldn't even speak to donghyuck and jaemin who were keeping their distance too.

"come on." chenle said, breaking her from her thoughts as he tugged at her arm. they followed the other students out the hall and outside where the twins continued their show.

"what an exciting way to end the exam." renjun said, clapping his hands.

"the exam i didn't even do." yunhee mumbled, thinking about her paper that was now lost in the piles of other papers on the floor.

"oh my. umbridge's face." mark pointed out, turning the attention to the hag who's hideous pink clothes had black soot all over it and her face red from anger.

"she might drop dead from rage." yunhee said, laughing loudly.

"you think this is funny, miss kim?" umbridge asked, having heard her laugh over students talking excitedly.

"how the..." chenle whispered. 

"you think first, skipping my detentions is funny and then having the exams interrupted is, too?" she questioned, stepping forwards.

"um... what?" yunhee glanced at her friends, confused on why she was the only one being singled out. "are you delusional?"

"didn't your parents ever tell you how to respect your elders?"

"respect goes both ways." yunhee replied, her eyes narrowing. "you need to be put into your place, be taught right from wrong. even if you have claimed the title of headmaster, to us, you never will be. you have no right doing all the things you do. you're just a cruel—"

"enough! you are hereby expelled from hogwarts."

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 - 𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐮Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu