6. surprisingly it's not that bad...

Comincia dall'inizio

"Is that your partner??"

She asks not wanting to assume as she studys the photo of amity in my sweater while she makes a heart with her hands, I nod with a smile opening the picture to show her. She starts snickering, giving me back my phone

"Better not open that photo around the dean- not to be confused with DEAN- it's like poison to him to see someone NOT a student wear his uniforms"

We both chuckle together and she adds quietly

"She's pretty cute- love the hair.. she should totally be snuck in one weekend- we play party games every Saturday"

I look to the side to think about the idea of ami coming here discreetly in my mind I then nod, swiftly hiding my face in my sleeve then take it away.

"Like what party games..?"

I then ask in confusion but mostly curiousity, she smirks and leans forward.

"Depending on the time? We do mostly competitive video games but sometimes we do truth or dare- though rarely... dean sneaks in and forces that- and hopes to get laid forcefully.."

Vee groans and amber shakes her pointer finger at her to say silently 'hear you there girl'. I clap my hands together and feel my mischievous side take affect, I accidentally say just slightly louder than a whisper.

"So dean's practically a pedo- I feel a rebellion starting.. maybe one That'd end with dean being kicked out."

The kids in their chairs around us lean forward in interest, amber smirks heavily her chuckle slightly evil, I cross my arms... half an hour into this school and I'd started a rebellion. Leaning back still chuckling I remark slyly,

"So...my only observation- is that we got to CATCH them on video because they've got to be doing someone- just so they can get ass and not get in real big trouble.."

Vee turns to me and says fully volunteering to my little cause

"I'll play decoy luz"

I grimace and ask her salt in my tone

"Don't you have a girlfriend Vee??"

Vee nods, looks down and texts maya

'looks like I can't volunteer to stop their reign of pervertism'

Before sighing her basilisk eyes fading onto her face, I point at my eye to tell her to which she nibbles on the end of a hexus hold'em card like She's nervous her eyes closed to make that nervous look complete. I pat her shoulder to continue the fake act and she looks at me annoyed

"You'll trap em next time you're single Vee."

She pushes me away and grumbles, standing up I go to leave to somewhere more private

"I'll be back in a few hours Vee- I promised am I'd call her"

Vee nods uncomfortable with the idea of me being alone with pervert on the loose but she lets me leave.

Walking to the sunset lit courtyard, I call amity smiling brightly when she immediately picks up

"Hey you~ I missed you baby.. I hope you did too"

The Private Academy: Lumity storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora