I threw a block up and accepted a kick to my stomach that threw me back on the mats. The groan was entirely real. Perhaps I was an idiot for letting it happen at all.

He was on top of me now. A grapple someone with less weight could never throw off. His punches were not pulled. I felt the force sing against my jaw then my head. Stars flew across me in blue and white. Please just knock me out before the blood comes–

Then his weight was off me entirely.

I opened my eyes and Alex stood over me with an impatient look.

"Give him the win and he earns nothing." She stated simply, before slipping to the side and letting Proximo's anger fuelling swipe swing past.

He snarled before swiping up the discarded short sword from the last unfortunate fighter. My throat dried up at the sight. What the hell was he thinking?

"Someone get our leader a weapon!" He spat to the crowds.

The room quietened before a similar sword spun across the mat. Alex eyed it then tilted her head at her second. "I think we need to talk..." She began.

Dex was already on his feet and eying a position on the personal guard once more. But at a simple hand raise from Scorpion and he paused. 

"Don't give in now." He growled, changing his stance and spinning the sword around his hand easily. Even with my experience... I wouldn't want to fight him.

"You're compromised. I want to know why." She retorted simply.

Proximo snorted and nodded at Dex urging him to continue. Dex threw me a confused glance before shrugging and stepping up once more. I sighed through my nose and discretely nodded to him. If he caught where my mind was he didn't let on. I played the part well, as well as I could before letting a straight jab sail through the air into my mouth.

The skin split easily from the force and I staggered a step.

He halted instantly and drew out of his stance to come close to me with a less lethal look.

"I'm sorry Makayla..."

I shook him off and managed a small smirk that tasted of iron.

"Anything to get those two off each other." I answered, glancing at the death match.

We turned and took in what was left of Proximo's rage. It was unlike his cool lethality and it made mistakes. It seemed the crowd of Division agents around us sensed it too and grew animated watching the way their leader brutally capitalised.

I had seen her do it once before.

The type of psychology she employed in her fighting. Increase your speed and she will double it. Get emotional and she will meet you with nothing but lethal, cold indifference. Their swords spun and parried. The titanium sang in the air unbreakable. Every use of his body was countered or calculated. She knew his aggression as she had when they fought once before with poisoned blades. It still sent my heart into my throat.

They were both death in its purest form.

It was in a heated moment of clashes that Proximo tried to force his strength over her skill–she used it. She expected it.

The moment his shoulder hit hers against their blades she carried the metal like an extension of her arm and released their parry to send it across his hand. The blood splashed quick on the mat and she completed it with the smash of the hilt against his wound.

The sword dropped to the mat and she levelled it at his neck.

"Enough." She stated simply.

He was breathing in raggedly. His gaze no longer calm steel but enraged fire.

"Are you that scared–"

She practically rolled her eyes and flung the sword to the ground turning her back. The crowd parted for her as the underworld's leader made an exit. "We need to talk." She said over a shoulder.

Proximo stared at her back. Then he slowly turned to us. 

His eyes flickered over Dex then to my cut lip. 

"You start tomorrow. Do not be late." He growled at Dex.

Then his towering form and glare disappeared after Scorpion beyond the crowd of Division agents chatting animated. Dex was silent a moment before a breath left him and his shoulders relaxed. He rushed me and I was half expecting another fight before he scooped me up in his arms with a loud shout.

"Personal guard! You hear that?!" He roared.

"Put me down moron, before Scorpion changes it!" I hissed, as he laughed setting me on my feet. My face ached. The crowd was already diffusing but I let out a breathless laugh despite it all. "You have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into."

"Do you have any idea how well they pay personal guards, Makayla?" He drawled, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I snorted and evened my breathing before shaking my head under him.

"Credits are no use when you are dead."

He sobered and leant back until he sat back on the mat and leaned on his arms. "Man–the way Scorpion fights..." He blew out another breath wistfully.

I nodded, watching their backs as they entered a lift at the edge of the cavernous hall in some form of argument. It must be his sister. Or that... woman of the night. Mixing business with pleasure as Alex said. But Proximo was a professional. Since when does that compromise him?

"You have no idea." I muttered.

He tilted his head from his position on the floor. It almost reminded me of a dog. I chuckled again and took a place opposite him on the mat.

"You've got to be something." He mused with a glint in his eyes. "The way she kicked me off you at the first sign of trouble..." 

The lift disappeared and I met his curious look with a smirk.

"Dex, all you need to know is that we understand each other. She has my back and I have hers. This personal guard detail doesn't give you a free ticket... Especially in Proximo's eyes."

"Oh, I know that." He said with a grin. "Did you see him? Ready to bury Scorpion himself. No one has a free ticket in his eyes."

"Then why do you want it so badly?" I frowned.

He rolled his neck a moment and stared at the ceiling.

"You don't know much of outer city life do you?"

I wisely remained silent. I knew of the glass sky towers in Sector 1 and impressing continental partners. He took my silence as confirmation.

"With the influence, training and credits they give you... I'd be mad not to chase it." He finished, meeting my eyes again. "Don't think I don't know the kind of training you have..." He added, narrowing his eyes. "You didn't fight like I know you could have."

I avoided his stare and instead dabbed the blood leaving my lip.

"We fought. I lost. Leave it at that."

"Why?" He pressed, pushing off his arms and staring me down.

"Because if you don't believe it Scorpion won't. And I'm not willing to lie for you." I finished, rolling to my feet. I offered him my hand.

He eyed it a moment before nodding and grasping my hand to get to his feet.

"To friends in high places." He smirked, offering me his other hand.

I clasped it and met his forearm in a Merridian custom with a similar smirk.

"To friends in low places."

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now