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As Takemichi walk down the hallway towards the canteen where Koko, Hina ans Inui are waitung for him to eat lunch together.

He was about to enter the canteen when someone garb his arm making him flinch for a bit.

"H-hanagaki-kun can I talk to you?" The black haired guy asked shyly.

And being a nice guy, Takemichi nodded following the boy who wanted to talk to him in an empty classroom.

Takemichi wondered why they need to go on an empty classroom when he could just tell him what he wants in the hallway.

The guys gave out a heavy sigh before looking straight at Takemichi's making  him blush as he saw the shiny and pure oceanic eyes in front of him.

"I like you Hanagaki-san, please be my boyfriend!" The boy confessed as he presented the chocolate on a box to Takemichi who just stare at him.

"I'm sorru but I still can't have a lover, Ranran and Rinrin will get mad." Takemichi answered giving the boy an apologetic smile as he patted the boy's head head to comfort him.

Takemichi stare at the chocolate that he got before the boy run off, he felt sorry for the boy that he love Takemichi but the blonde don't.

Takemichi also left the classroom smiling as he went to the canteen to meet Hina, Hajime and Seishu who he knows are mad for him being late.

Unknown to Takemichi that someone had spied on him taking a photo that they think will ruin his life.

Kanae and Erika smirks as they went to where Rindou and Ran always hang out at lunch which is at the back of the school.

"Haitani-san can I talk to you two for a minute?" Erika and Kanae sweetly asked blushing at the process but the twins just boredly stared at them.

"We saw Hanagaki-san with a boy at the classroom when we pass by and thought that we should report it to you since you three are lovers after all." Kanae informed as she rubbed her bisceps on her boobs squishing it a bit to show how bouncy and big they are but the twins ignored her action.

Ran raised an eyebrow and harshly took the phone on Kanae's hand not minding if it hurts her.

Rindou tsk when he saw the boy with heart on his eyes. The expression he showed made Erika and Kanae inwardly smirk thinking the succeeded.

"How can this guy confess to Michi when Michi is literally off limits, Uncle will surely kill us if he finds out we let other guys near his son." Rindou's face turned sour just imagining the punishment Tazuki will give them if he heard about this.

"I'm sure that Michi refused him because his too kind and don't want others to suffer from his dad's wrath." Ran chuckled as he gave the phone back to Kanae who fake smiled taking her phone back as she cursed.

This time their plan failed for the fifth time of the week and there's no process.

Ran, Rindou and Takemichi are now heading home together as per Tazuki's order for the twins to safely escort his son back home safe and sound.

"I heard someone confessed to you." Ran said breaking the comfortable silent around them, this made Takemichi look at him and giggled nodding.

"Yeah but I refused him after all his too weak to face my dad."  Takemichi muttured giggling as Ran and Rindou also chuckled imagining the boy's face when he face Tazuki.

"And I'm already contented to have you two." Takemichi confessed that made the two blush but shrug it off knowing that Takemichi is oblivios.

But they didn't know that those words are true confession from Takemichi's heart and the younger isn't really that oblivious when it comes to love.

It's been four months and all Kanae and Erika's attempt still failed all the time as they groan at another failure.

Kanae smash her hands on the table to her room as she grip her locks really pissed off on how can everyone don't see any mistake on Takemichi.

"How about acting like Takemichi beat us up." Erika mouthed making Kanae smirk holding both the black haired girl's shoulder.

"You are a genius Rika!" Kanae praised making the girl flustered a little looking away.

So now that is their plan, they will act like they were bullied by someone then wait for Takemichi to pass by and help Erika then Kanae will take a picture of the two.

And their plan really worked. They once have succeeded on blaiming Takemichi for something he didn't know.

Because right now they are at the hallway, it was afterschool where everyone left and just the five of them.

"Takemichi what is this?" Ran asked showing the picture Kanae took making Takemichi froze.

How did they got that picture and why is Ran and Rindou so angry about when he just voluntered to help Erika.

Then a conclusion hits him, they plan this all along just to blaim him for the things he didn't do. It makes him wonder what he did wrong to the two girls that made them plan this.

"I didn't do it!" Takemichi defended himself trying to convince Ran and Rindou to believe him.

Takemichi saw Erika and Kanae smirks behind the brothers making Takemichi mad but he control hs temper because he knows that everything will go bad if he didn't.

The next thing he heard broke his heart into pieces, he can't believe that it was from Ran's mouth.

"I'm disappointed on you Michi, you are such a fake for faking your bright personality."

Haitani Brothers x Takemichi Story: Toxic Love[√]Where stories live. Discover now