Part 9~Growing Closer

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You wake up and noticed that you were by yourself. That Natasha wasn't in bed. Wondering where she went you start to freak out calling out for her. "Natasha? Natasha? Are you in here?" Your voice growing with more concern and cutting in and out.

She comes running out of the bathroom "I am right here. I'm right here. What wrong?"

"I...I thought you left me." You said to were she could barely hear you with tears growing in your eyes. "You can't just leave me to wake up by myself. NEVER" your voice grow angrily but still shaky.

"I am sorry. It won't happen again I promise baby. Never again." She told you as she kissed your tears that where rolling down your face. "I have training today but I can skip if you want me too." She lays her head on your shoulder

"Bruce has more texts to run on me today so you go to training. I will be ok. Thank you for offering to skip training for me." You said to her and pull her head to you to kiss her forehead. You pull away and ask "But be for you go can you help me go to the bathroom please?"

"Of course. Here grab on." She turned her back to you to give you a piggy back ride to the bathroom

(Small time skip)

You had went to your room to get clean clothes on before heading to the lad for more testing, while Natasha went ahead and went do to training.

You get get to the lab and Bruce checks the bruising on your rib cage first to see how that's healing even tho it's only been one night. With your healing powers thanks to  Bruce now Bucky knows about them now but anyway with your healing powers you have to make sure it's healing right. Bruce takes some blood and he wants another X-ray of your leg. He said he will do the X-ray after lunch.

You call Bucky to the lab since he wasn't training and you didn't want to be only for lunch. "Want to go see what I made you?" Bucky asks you when he enters the lab.

"Sure Bucks, I am starving so it better be good. You just have to help me down there first." You told him giving him a big smile.

"Piggy back style it is then." Bucky said while picking you up on his back then racing out of the lab and down to the kitchen.

"YES!" You yelled exactly as y'all entered the kitchen

"Hey, You weren't supposed to look yet" Bucky said with anger and laughter in his voice

"I can practically smell it down the hall. ITS MY FAVORITE!! MAC&CHEESE" you yelled at him with excitement while he is putting you down in the chair so he can go make you a bowl.

You were in the middle of eating and the rest of  team that was at training come in including Natasha.
She walks up to you and without even thinking you give her a peck on the lips. After you slowly turned around to see everyone staring at you. "Wow, those must be some strong pain meds" Wanda blurted out loud to try and save you. "I guess so" Nat added. "Well miss Y/n if you went on pain meds I would think y'all were together" Thor added after Nat.

You look at Nat and say "Sorry Nat I don't  know what came over me, so sorry." You said while you slap her ass when no one but Wanda was looking

"Since my training is over and Bucky's starts in a minute I can take you back to your room if you want?" Nat says to you while give you a small smirk

"That would be nice of you Natasha. That would be awesome if you could so I don't have to put weight on my bad leg." You said after you noticed what Natasha was getting at. "Y'all have fun at training" you told the rest of them in the kitchen.

Nat gets to your door and puts you down so you could open the door since you locked it when you left  to go do text. Shit that reminds you that you have X-rays to go do. You turn around to Natasha to see her waiting patiently for you to open the door.

"Nat. Oh sweet Nat." You say as you watch her smile fall which makes you sad. "I actually have X-rays I have to be at right now" you tell her sadly. She pulls out her phone and dials and number and walks away for a minute then turns back and says "Now you don't. They are tomorrow afternoon."

You get the door open and Nat swoops you off your feet which made you laugh and you laughing made her laugh. She presses a big wet kiss on her lips and you start pushing back. She pulls away and sits on the end of the bed with you in her lap. You press a kiss into her which turned into a full blown make out session.

After a little bit you go to straddle her but in the process you grunt in pain. "Is it your leg?" Natasha ask worried in concerned.

"Yes, but it's fine" you told her as you try to kiss her again but she back away from you which makes you pout.

"Look I will make you a deal. You wait till your leg is better and you get your cast off I am all yours. But till then we can hangout, watch movies, and make out. Do we have a deal?" She pulls your head to her touching your forehead together "so do we have a deal? Two weeks that all we wait." She asked again but this time you answer with "Fine, Deal."

"Come on let's go watch movies for the rest for the day. I know how much you like popcorn and movies." Nat says while going to get you your crutches

"Ok, I guess we can do that." You tell her with a giggle.


New Avenger ( Natasha X Female Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora