Part 8~Back to Reality

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Everyone came to see you shortly after waking up. You haven't got a chance to talk to Nat yet about what happened when you woke up. Bucky walked in and Natasha left. "Nat wait" you call out to her as she was exiting your room but she kept walking.

"She is mad at me because she somehow thinks it's my fault you got shot. But I think she is not trying to blame it on her self somehow. Which none of this is any of our faults." Bucky said to you as you were confused by Natasha leaving when he entered.

"It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention instead I was laughing with you and joking around and that's why I got shot. I blame myself for it if anything." You said lowering your head down trying to not let him see the tears burning your eyes

"Look doll the main thing is that you woke up and-" Bruce cut him off by coming in the room looking at your chart and not noticing Bucky was still in your room and saying "Well Y/n since your healing powers kicked in when you woke up you should be able to get the cast off in two weeks."

"Wait...hold on. You have healing powers and you didn't tell me. You bitch." He said while looking at you with this what the fuck look and laughing which made you laugh. "Oops sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here" Bruce said apologetically

After Bucky left you had been taking to Bruce what had happened after you got back. He told you the surgery was successful and your knee now has three screws in it and that Natasha never left your side. He joked around and made you laugh but when you laughed you winced in pain clenching your ribs.

"What's wrong? What hurts?" He asked confused. He thought you didn't have any upper body problems. "I don't know. I never got hit or anyth-." You cut yourself off. "What is it Y/n?" Bruce asked as your face continue to grow with concern. "It's just when I was in the coma I..I was back to when I was ten years old and used to get beat. But when I was there he hit me on that side in my rib cage. What does that mean? Was I actually back there?" You asked as tears started to roll down your face.

" I am not sure. The mind works in many different ways. I will run more testing though out the week to see if I can figure it out. I should heal very quickly since it just some bruising it looks like." He told you and rubbed your shoulder to try and make you feel better somehow.

He left so it was only you now. You were thinking about Natasha and what happened when you woke and know you were wondering if she was coming back. You ask Jarvis where Natasha Romanoff was and he said she was in her room. You toss back a couple of pain pills and stand up not putting any weight on that leg. You grab the crutches and start heading towards the elevator which seemed forever to get to but you finally made it to Nat's floor and of course it has to be at the end of the hall. You make to her door out of breath and knock three time. She yelled hold on and after a minute she came and open the door to find you still out of breath and about to fall over.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing up." She helps you in her room and sits you on her bed. "What are yo-" you cut her off before she could finish saying "You know why I am here. I am here because I want to know what was that."

"What was what." She says as she looks at you kinda playing dumb.

"What was that when I woke up. What was that kiss uhh. Also what was up with you not leaving my side the whole time I was in the coma. Don't even ask who told me." You said to her as she comes and sits down beside you.

"The truth?" She asked

"Yes, The god dam truth!" You looked at her with big eyes

"Ok. Ok. I didn't leave your side because I felt it was my fault you got shot and that you were in the med bay in the first place. Second I thought I couldn't lose you. Especially"

"Especially what" you interrupted her

"Give me a god dam minute to tell you. Especially after I grow feeling for you the night of the mission party. The night I made up for not kissing you. I know it was Stark that told you, he can't keep almost anything a secret. " She told you as she started to hang her head low

Your grab her head under her chin with your hand to make her look at you. You kissed her softly and said over her lips "I have feelings for you too. But I have had mine since I walked of that elevator when I arrived."

She picks you off the end of the bed and lays you down in the middle of the bed propping up your full casted leg. She crawled in bed next to you, pulled the blankets up and she cuddled you. Her head on your shoulder she whispered "Never put me though that again"

Y'all eventually fell asleep snuggled together


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