Chapter 7~Coma

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The jet had landed and Bruce had to take you to surgery to stop the bleeding. You have lost a lot of blood and went into a coma after surgery.

(In your coma)

"Mom please believe me. I..Why can't you believe me." You said crying to her when she wants to leave you home with your stepdad.

"Your fine. Your only 10 years old you can't stay home by your self so he will stay with you. He has not done anything to you. You just don't like him so suck it up. I am going to work now let go so I can go. Be good for him." You mom said to you while you where holding on to her arm not wanting to let her leave you with your stepdad.

(In real life)

Tony goes up to Nat who has never left your side since y'all got back "Natasha, you need to shower, eat, and sleep. She has been in a coma for only one day. Bruce said it could be up to 3 days."

"No! I am not going to leave her again. I let her go in with Bucky of all people by herself and I told her to be careful but look at her. I did this I should have seen the hydra men. If I spotted them I could have shot them and she wouldn't be in this bed with this full leg cast on." Natasha said to Tony

"Look I can see you really care about her but you need to take care of yourself too. I can stay with her till you get back if you want. I won't leave her side whatsoever unless I have to take a leak. You go take a shower and grab some coffee and then come back. You are still in your suit and you have blood all over you from bringing her in. So go get cleaned up." Tony told Natasha while sitting down on the other side of the room reassuring Natasha that he wasn't going anywhere.

(In your coma)

"Something is wrong? This....this is not what my room looks like. What's going on? Why am I back here?" You say confused looking around you old room when you were a kid noticing that stuff was missed placed and your room was always perfect when you were little

"Y/n!!! It's time for you shower." Your stepdad yelled from the hallway outside your room

"No. No. No. I can't go though that again. It's not right" you said mumbling under your breath

"Y/N NOW!!!!" He yelled banging on your door

"Shit. Shit. Shit. What do I do. Ok ok play it off.  Ok just one minute please."

"You get one more minute or I am coming to drag you in the shower my self. I am not going to wait any longer." He is still banging on your door

(Real life)

"Tony. Any changes? Any signs of her waking up?" Natasha ask sleeping Tony in the corner worrying about you

"No change. Still quite which is strange coming from her" he said while laughing to try and lighten the mood a little. Natasha gave a little giggle and said "yes that is very strange coming from Y/n, she never knows when to stop talking."

(In coma)

"You remember why you where begging your mom not to leave you home with him as you were getting out of the shower. It was something you had blocked from your mind for a reason because it is one of the worst things that have happened to you. He always only gave you a towel when you got out of the shower but nothing else. As you were getting out you started to cry because you know what was next. "It's not real. It's not real. It's not real." You keep saying it over and over trying to skip it some how. "It's not real. Something is messing with my mind. It's not real." You keeps saying to yourself wiping your tears away.

You close your eyes and some how some way when you opened your eyes you where in your old room going to sleep. You stopped your crying after a minute of relief that you didn't have to go though that torture again. You close your eye to try and go to sleep to see if you could come back to the real world.

(Real life)

It was mid-day on day 2 of you being out and Nat notices something on your face. It was tears somehow. She yells at Bruce to come in and he hurries to your medical room asking "Natasha! What's what's wrong? Is she awake what is it."

"I don't know but look, look at her face. It's like she is crying. What does that mean, Bruce what does that mean." Nat yelling at Bruce

"Come down Natasha. It's good, it's really really good. This means she is slowly coming out. She should come out of the coma fully in about another day or so." Bruce told Natasha as he was holding her shoulders to get her to calm down.

She finally calms down and Bruce did some more tests on you. You were finally stabilizing and thats why you are coming out of your coma.

(In coma)

You finally open your eyes back up and notice a figure popping up over you putting its hand over your mouth and you try and scream and get up but whoever it is has you pend on the bed to where you can't move. "Shhh..shhh it's okay daddy's here" the figure said to you. And at that moment it was the thing you tried to avoid, your stepdad.

"You move I will hit you and I don't want to do that now." He says as he whispered in your ear. You move trying to nock him off but he elbows your rib cage probably cracking a rib.

"It''s not real. It's not real it's not real." You start crying again mumbling under his hand as his other hand moves all over your body ripping off your clothes. "Oh it's real alright baby girl." He said in your ear again

(Real life)

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real" you where saying under your breath while still out waking sleeping Natasha on the side of your bed

"Y/n wake you it's Natasha. It's not real come back to us. It's your head, it's tricking you wake up." She said rubbing your head trying to get you conscious.

" get off. That's hurts no" you say groaning in pain. "Natasha, Natasha is that you?" You asked after hearing her telling you to wake up

"YES. Yes it's me. Wake up now wake up." She says as she kissed your dry lips waking you up out of your coma. "Oh..oh my god your a wake. Thank you god. Thank you."


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