He held up his hands in surrender, grinning from ear to ear. "You got it, boss."

She started them off with stretching, then a run around the grounds of the orchard. Kenzie had gotten a map of the grounds from Jack and e-mailed it to Layla during the planning process so that she knew what she was working with ahead of time. Because the orchard was open to guests who could pay to come pick their own apples, it was rife with pathways, meaning she had no problem carving out a route that would have all three of them sweating.

She took up the back of the bunch and instructed them to go at whatever pace was just above comfortable—she was here to push them, but it was important not to go too far beyond their abilities right at the beginning. It would not only discourage them, it had the potential to injure them. Running behind meant she could judge their fitness level and adjust the next workouts accordingly.

As soon as they got started, she made a promise to herself that she'd take a lazy walk around the grounds by herself later. The lavender morning sky held the promise of another beautiful day, as did the slight chill in the air that hinted at the upcoming autumn. As they ran—or jogged, if Layla was being honest—through row after row of blossoming apple trees, she had to wonder: if she'd grown up here, would she ever have been drawn to the city?

It's hard to imagine yourself anywhere else when you're here, she realized. It was in the music of the leaves, in the sweet scent of the air and the way the dew tossed sparkles on every vibrant blade of grass. It was something about the sun as it peeked out from behind two fluid hills, rising above the land and painting wispy clouds with its orange glow.

By the time they returned to the shed, the sun was up and the sky was a pale blue. And as planned, the three of them were breathing heavy, wiping sweat from their foreheads.

"Good. That was good," Layla praised, adjusting her ponytail.

Marshall leaned over, placing his hands on his knees in the universal sign of that workout just kicked my ass. "We've been..." he paused to breathe, "doing the walks. Every day, like you said."

"I can tell. You guys paced yourselves well, which means you know your own stamina. You ready for your first round of Pilates?"

The voice that came from behind her made her jump. "Nothing like a man doing Pilates, Marsh."

She whirled around to face Dawson as he emerged from the open gym. Was he intentionally pushing her buttons? "You sound like every meathead who's ever come into my class. After ten minutes or so, they usually shut up."

She knew she shouldn't speak to him that way, especially not in front of the two people who hired her. This was a job—a job she was desperate to have turn out well—and yet the jab came exploding out of her before she could simmer it down.

His eyebrows raised. "Is that a challenge?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to watch you flail around. We're in the middle of a session."

He raised one shoulder, eyes moving to his sister. "Kenz?"

Her flushed face lit up, hands clapping. "You wanna join?"

Layla gave him a once over. "You're not dressed for a workout."

"I can change."

She tried to think of any other excuse, but came up empty. She had an extra yoga mat already sitting inside the gym. She was half-tempted to tell him that he needed to pay for a session with her like everyone else, but knew that if it were any other member of the family joining the happy couple, she'd be more than glad to have them there.

Not to mention that she knew Kenzie had been hoping for more company. During their pre-boot-camp video calls, she'd mentioned that her Maid of Honor, Gabriela, would be joining them for a lot of workouts. But Gabriela's sister had just given birth in New Hampshire a few days ago, so the Maid of Honor was out of town for at least another week to help the new parents out. By the time she got back, Layla would be gone.

Holding back a sigh, she reminded herself that whatever made exercise more fun for a customer, and whatever made them feel supported in their journey, was what was important. Not her personal vendetta against a man she barely knew.

"Fine. But we're starting now."

"I'll be back in five." With a final satisfied smile, he jogged off towards the house.

Marshall's sneakers squeaked against the shiny floor of the gym as they stepped inside. "You two seem to get along well."

Heat rose to her face as the couple giggled over the terse exchange. Fresh embarrassment bloomed in her gut as the question popped into her mind: was it obvious? Was it evident to anyone other than herself that her annoyance at Dawson wasn't just about the comment from last night, or the one about Pilates, but about her own feelings towards him?

She took a minute to set up her Bluetooth speaker and start an upbeat playlist, one of many that she'd curated to go along with the choreography of the workouts she'd planned. Just like the run, she wouldn't push them too hard with the Pilates on their first day. While giving instructions she'd be silently gauging their flexibility, strength, and most importantly, their willpower.

"I don't like when people imply that Pilates is a feminine way to exercise." She went to the front of the room to grab the yoga mats. "Especially when it implies that there's a problem with femininity."

Kenzie grinned as Layla handed them each a mat. "He's got no issue with femininity. He just likes getting under people's skin."

Marshall unfurled his mat with a flourish, letting out a short laugh. "And he's damn good at it."

I feel like these chapters are so short but I'm just trying to pace myself 😫 it's so tempting to update more often LOL

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I feel like these chapters are so short but I'm just trying to pace myself 😫 it's so tempting to update more often LOL. But I hope you guys are enjoying the story! ❤

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