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The world of America is hit with a deadly virus. The time of the apocalypse is now. The time for the ravenous undead/infected now walks the earth. Their lives are abruptly uprooted into the age of the damned. The infected are set upon the world of America. The survivability of the infection is only ten percent of every state. The rest of the nation mutated into abominations. Their diet consists of man, their diet like scavengers, and their intelligence is said to be comparable to the animal kind.With lives on the line only time will tell whether or not Salem shall survive to the rebirth of mankind. These were the heroes of the world. The Zombie Survivors.

Cody D. Blassingame:

Here a photo could be seen of a young man with greaser slicked hair, it was thick black, and full of life. He was also known for his eyes, a dark amber brown color, and his tan complexion. He was dressed within a pinstripe suit. He stood with arrogance, power, and he was styled towards perfection. He wore a corsage where one would wear a handkerchief.

For a young man named Cody Blassingame and his new wife Carrie M. Blassingame the two worked their way into the real world. He decided to relocate, she decided home needed to be found amongst life's journeys. Together they were within their seventeenth year of their life and jr year of the school year. They looked to settle down like an old country song.

Within Ashandra county the two lovers reminisced within what was love so when they looked back there were happy memories together, and eventually settled down within Reverence bend. It was all bliss and wonderment for the young teenagers within the world of reality, the world of life.

Within Reverence-Bend Cody was able to play the part of a bard, a sorcerer, and the part of a husband with his wife.

Carrie M. Blassingame:

Here a photo could be seen for the woman known as Carrie. She was a beautiful young blonde. One who was of blue eyed soul, and buxum body frame but she was of mother strength. She stood with poise, one that complemented her husbands stance, the same as above, and the two looked as visual items.

For Carrie she was able to work her will as the housewife. She was the one responsible for the cooking, and keeping things together. She knew her pivotal niche when it came to their lives. Her natural power came from her Archery skills. She was able to use the bow as a dangerous weapon. Here she was also known for her marksmanship and she was the type of woman who was not to be played with. She had a fiery temperament, and was controlling over the Spiders, the perfect Gangleader's wife.

Salem Amoretto Lovelocke.

(Here a photo before you:) It could be seen of the young woman Salem. She was the group renfestival worker. She was styled within the image of a thief, one that covered most of her physical appearance. She posed within the frame of a pre-attempted grapple.

Salem was one year away from graduating. She married her husband Orion, they lived together with their family dog, and she maintained her yearly job at the renaissance festival called Fairfax. Life was moving forward. That was until the time the news struck the world. Now she is an archer simply learning to live through the apocalypse."I was always the pagan of Ashandra. I am a woman of religion. Peace. Love. Normality." -Salem

Deon Sr.

(Here a photo before you:) Deon Sr. posed in front of the courthouse. He was standing casually. He was smoking at the time of the picture. His face wasn't seen, it looked to be late december within the photo, and he wore an overcoat with his pinstripe suit attire.

The world slowly fell. The end times were upon the race of man. The damned now walk the earth. A science experiment that's what they first called it. A progression for mankind, the American people, and the progression of our great nation. Yeah...that's how they put it. But now, we were all stranded. The government collapsed. America has been sabotaged with a local release of the virus within wisconsin. It was the virus from the black plague. Mutated. And grown within a drug den within the Wisconsin small town.

Here the man known as Salvatore Deon Blass Sr. worked his way within the refuge encampment with his members of society. He found himself welcomed within the hospitality of the Lovelock family. He was an older gentleman, a man within his sixties, and one with a midwestern accent as casual as a sundae cone. He was a midwestern man with a flavor of a New York Italian personality.

"You know kid. I never was one to tell you who I was, but in the sun of the apocalypse it is hard to imagine I don't just register as one who is of the Mafia."-Deon Sr.

Sylvian David:

(No Photo:) David is a man of subtle mystery. The man hasn't come out of his shell in what was five years. Not since his work hazardous moments in life. Yeah, times were tough for old David. But he worked his life into a new stage, and found time to be thankful for the world around him. He lived like a cowboy in montana. But now, now was his time to travel towards New York. Wisconsin was simply a stopping place. Infact Ashandra was merely on the way to the destination.

Here is where David finds himself. In the middle of nowhere with a hidden life of his own, and the rust of years from living in hiding. He now comes too in the end times. Working together with his boss, he finds an old self of him that wakes up within himself.

"The world was beautiful, dangerous but beautiful. The world was organized. The world was what it was...and there was this phrase similar to the one we use today. Life. But this was life, and not just... life; and so became more lively is all." -Sylvian David.

Wayve Tavoc:

(Here a photo before you:) It could be seen the man was of african american decent. He was a man with a lions main for dreadlocks, and he was of tall stature. He wore street clothes, hoodie, and had casual jewelry, gold.

A fight club member of society. He is known as Sarina's man. He is the statuesque man, hearty, and full of love for his small family. He works at the meat market in town, a place to hold a job in society while he fought within the nXa. He was a trained martial artist with two blackbelts in karate and a personal blackbelt within the fighting style of Tiger. He was a man of potential within the dojo, but now times were different when he wasn't fighting for ends-meet, he worked his angel in the life of a mixed martial artist in a fight club.

"Life is simply how you make it playa, we ('ve) got work to do." Wayve Tavoc

Into The Souless Apocalypse: Age Of The DamnedWhere stories live. Discover now