I quickly turned around and was face to face with Alexander. His Smokey grey eyes looked deep into mine.

"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." He hummed, taking my hand and placing his other hand on my waist.

He started to sway and it soon turned into a slow dance. I stumbled over his feet.

"Careful." He chuckled. "You don't want to fall."

My heart beater faster as he gave me a sly grin. Not paying attention, I trip over my own feet.

Before I hit the ground, Alexander caught me, his face close to mine.

"Looks like someone needs a few lessons." He said, his breath brushing down my neck.

"Sorry." I said, my cheeks glowing a bright red.

He laughed lowly and spun me back on my feet.

"I'm so excited for our wedding." He said, starting to dance again. "It's going to be wonderful. Especially with you as my bride."

My heart started to flutter again. What is this feeling? Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up at him.

"Um..why do you want me as your bride?" I asked. "You don't know anything about me. And I'm not fit to be a queen."

"Why of course you are." He hummed. "And I know more than you think."

I tripped over my feet again. He held my waist to put me back in place.

"Why'd you take me from Lucifer?" I asked.

He paused, but then continued.

"He didn't deserve you." He said simply. "He had bad intentions and I didn't want to see you go through that. You deserve more. You deserve to be a queen."

Bad intentions? He saved me from my father, how can he have bad intentions? I didn't know what to say to or about that or I asked a different question.

"But I'm not even immortal." I reasoned. "What's the point of having a queen if I could die easily?"

"That will be handled my dear." He smiled. "Once you say 'I do', you'll become immortal, and have special abilities. You'll become the perfect queen. My perfect queen."

He spun me around and pulled me close again. I stepped on his foot.

"Thank goodness you don't have on shoes." He said relieved.

"You better pray I get better." I laughed.

"I know you'll get better." He growled playfully. "Especially when I teach you"

I wanted to ask questions about Lucifer and his other brother but I don't think now was the time. I didn't want to ruin the mood.

He pulled me into a tight embrace, my face buried in him chest.

"God you even smell like her."

"What was that?" I asked.

"There you are your highness!" I heard someone shout. "Oh! And your Majesty."

I looked over Alexander's shoulder. It was a chef and a maid standing there. Behind them looked like a whole classroom of people. They all bowed respectfully.

"Looks like you have to go, my queen." He sighed.

He turned to face the people.

"Your Majesty, your not allowed to see the br-"

"I know, I know, my apologies." He placed his hand on his chest and gave a slight bow. "You can change her dress and hair if you please, although she looks beautiful in what she's in now."

He looked at me and smiled. I realized he wasn't in a suit or anything. He was wearing all black. It looked as if he just came from a mission.

"Well, you should head back." He said. "It's almost four."

I looked up at a large clock on the wall above the grand doors. It read 3:50.

He planted a small kiss on my forehead and pushed me lightly towards the crowd.

"Until midnight." He said lowly, before vanishing into thin air.

I soon felt someone grab my arm gently.

"Come on your highness, we have a lot more to do." A maid said.

"Yes, you haven't tasted my cake yet." A chef commented.

I have a lot on my plate today. Sighing I followed the people.


How do you feel about this chapter?

(The next chapter will skip to chapter 5, I'll spare you guys the extra reading😭)

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