No mercy

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Tied up on the other side of the window were Iris, Ivy, and Matthew.

"Jay!" Matthew cried, trying to break free of the chains.

Lucifer dropped Jay on his back before fixing his clothes.

"Come in Scarlet, I think these kids have something to tell you." Lucifer said in a low, husk tone.

I hesitated before joining them in the room. Iris, Ivy and Matthew looked up at me with tears in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Iris sobbed. "We're sorry."

I gave her a confused expression. I didn't know what she was talking about.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

She continued to sob, ignoring my question. I looked over at Ivy who had a cold, blank expression on her face. Although she was crying, her face showed no emotion.

"Tell her what you're sorry for." Lucifer demanded. "Or I'll kill your friend right now."

He pulled a knife of out his pants and picked Jay up by the hair. He pressed the knife on his neck, drawing blood.

"No stop!" Matthew shouted. "Please, we'll tell her just don't hurt Jay."

I watched Lucifer as he slowly moved the knife from Jays neck and dropped him back on the floor. The knife fell on the floor but he didn't pick it up.

"Scarlet." Ivy said in a low tone. "I am so fucking sorry."

"Tell her why." Lucifer growled. "Now."

"We.." Ivy started. "We..."

She broke into tears.

"We we're going to kill you!" Iris bawled. "Your father put out a million dollar reward for whoever killed you first. Each group had to pay $500 in order to participate. We didn't expect to see you but when we did, we couldn't miss that opportunity. If we killed you, we would've split the reward $250,000 each. We're so sorry."

My father put out a reward for me?

Rage slowly started to fill me as I stared at the ground. The rage wasn't just coming from the fact that my father was trying to get people to kill me. It was also because I couldn't believe they were this dumb.

"Are you that stupid?" I asked. "Did you really think he was going to give you that money? This is my father we're talking about."

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked.

"He would've killed you." I scoffed. "He's only using you to get more money. How many groups were there?"

"Around 500." Ivy said, ashamed.

My mouth dropped open. 500 groups? That's over 1,000 people. I can't believe my father was able to fool that many people.

All he was doing was making up a fake challenge with a fake reward so that way he can take everyone's money. Especially people in desperate need of money. Then he'll kill them and tell everyone they failed. The more people that "fail", the more people that are going to join.

"Now you see why I said to stay inside?" Lucifer asked.

I looked at Iris and Ivy who were both crying. Matthew was staring at Jay with a worried look on his face.

I looked at Jay and noticed he was moving his hand a bit. I soon realized he was reaching for the knife that was on the floor.

"Lucifer!" I cried out at I pointed at his feet.

Jay quickly grabbed the knife but was stopped by Lucifers foot. Lucifer had stomped on Jays foot so keep him from moving.

"Ahhh!" Jay cried out.

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