"Okay, let's give 'em a place."

"Home." Suggests Robbie.

"Ooh, real creative." Sassed Rex.

"And now we need a situation."
"Big news."

"Andre, nobody wants to see big nudes."

"Ah, well that's different." Sikowitz walked to the board writing 'big news' underneath where we wrote 'home' and 'IMPROV'.

"Uh, why don't you go wait in the hall?"Jade said to Tori who then proceeded to walked towards the door to the hall.

"Okay, at home, big news—" Sikowitz walked to the door of the classroom standing in front of it. "And action."

Milo walked on stage. "Hey, babe, how was work today?" Jade asked.

"Ah, I got fired," Milo told Jade quite sadly yet quite confused.

"Oh." Jade acted sad.

"It's okay." Jade pointed her finger at Milo, "I have great news that'll cheer up this whole family."

"What is it?" "Tell us!"

"I went to the animal shelter." Jade grabbed Tori's arm dragging her up the stage steps then in the centre of the stage. "And got us... a dog."

Tori stood there like a confused child. "Uh, yep. I'm the new family dog. Woof."

Jade took a few steps forward. "Sikowitz, will you please tell this amateur that dogs can't talk, and that they don't stand on two legs? Sikowitz!"

Sikowitz drank some more of his coconut before finally replying to Jades request. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was sucking the milk out of this coconut. But it's true, Tori, if you're going to play a dog, be a dog."

Everybody turned to Tori as she got down on all fours. "Woof."

"And action."

"Uh, I went to the animal shelter and got us a dog." Jade continued as both Eli and Cat acted like children petting the dog being amazed.

Milo still stood to the side. "Uh-oh, looks like this dog has bugs in her fur." Jade pulled a piece of Tori's hair.

"Uh, woof?"

Cat and Eli stood back looking at their hands in disgust. "Oh, it's okay. I read on the internet that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs." Jade walked over to some random kid grabbing his coffee.

Milo tried cutting in. "Maybe you shouldn't, um-"

Jade took the lid off the coffee pouring it all out over Tori's hair ice and all. Tori stood up with shock on her face looking forward then at Jade.

"What's the prob, dog?" Jade asked Tori as she ran out of the room trying to wipe some of the coffee out of her hair.

Milo looked at his girlfriend with a surprised face, "why'd you do that, love?"

Jade only looked at him with a innocent smile.

School was eventful- Not surprised though. It is Hollywood arts!
MOOD= Not surprised 😐

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