𝙭𝙭𝙞. a banshee's warning

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She knew she couldn't have Theo and the pack all at once, she had to choose between the two. She had to choose between her family, or the boy of whom she yearned for. But she wasn't ready to decide, not yet.

"We're not stupid, we're desperate." Scott replied, also not wanting to meet the Chimera's.

"How desperate?"

"Incredibly desperate." Scott spoke before opening the door to the boys locker rooms, the three of them being met with the smirks of Theo and Tracy. Who stared at them sinisterly as the werewolves walked into the room and shut the door.

"I told you we'd end up on the same side." Theo spoke snidely, wandering around though his gaze was locked on Aurora, who was sat on a bench picking at her black nail polish. He noticed that she was still wearing his leather jacket, somewhere between switching back and forth from the good side and the bad side— she still kept her style from before her memories had been gained back.

"How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?" Liam snapped back, receiving a snort of laughter from Aurora.

"I love this kid." Theo laughed, not taking offences his blue eyes fixed on the small smile that curved upon Aurora's face.

"I don't." Tracy hissed from the side, and Aurora rolled her eyes at her attitude towards her bestfriend.

"Where's Frankenstein number Three, by the way? Josh. I thought you two were attached by the hip." Aurora snarkily spoke back, clueless as to the real reason that the boy wasn't there. Theo had murdered him for his power. Tracy had held her talons out, snarling at the girl.

"You better shut up before I paralyse that pretty tongue." She spat, trying to sound intimidating though Aurora had just raised a brow in entertainment, glancing at Theo who's eyes were narrowed as he made sure the Chimera wouldn't hurt his girl.


"You better sort your lizard out, Theodore." She joked, watching as Tracy began to jump forwards, though Theo had pushed her back against the locker, the girl groaning as she admitted defeat.

"We know you're not on our side, you said you wanted to help Lydia. But you left Eichen with something else, didn't you?" Scott spoke, changing the subject as all three looked at the Alpha.

"You mean a dying girl in my arms, or the mask? Oh, are you worried about that?" Theo humoured, avoiding the glare that Aurora sent him as she realised what he was doing.

"Who did you see?" Scott asked frantically, knowing that once you put the Dread Doctor mask on, then you'd see the true identity of the Beast.

"Not Mason."

"What does that mean? It's not him?"

"It probably means he's a lost cause." Tracy added unnecessarily again, causing the Hale girl to grow frustrated.

"I swear to god, Tracy. If you don't shut the hell up, I'll take your little scaley fish tail and shove it right up your fucking as-," Aurora began to snarl, though Liam had gripped onto her arm harshly, snapping her from her outburst as she noticed the amused and proud look on Theo's face.

"Look, we all want the same thing here. We want Mason back." The Raeken boy spoke, sending the same shit-eating grin which he always wore to the three wolves.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑; Theo RaekenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz