Chapter 29

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[NSFW Content Warning]

Chapter 29

I feel the heat of anger and frustration radiating off of Brahms' body as he paces out of the walls. Being unsure of what's to come, I shiver from both thrill and fear. As he takes me up the stairs and into the hallway, he doesn't say a word. The silence from him makes things all the more terrifying.

When we make it to the bedroom door, my heart is pounding like a drum in my chest, fast and hot with anticipation. Brahms wraps his hand around the door knob and pushes it open. I feel him lay a warm hand on my back and then suddenly, with a forceful shove, I stumble inside.

Once I regain my balance, I glance back at Brahms. He has his arms crossed tightly over his bare chest, puffing them out assertively, " Get on the bed," he orders.

I do as he says and climb up onto the soft mattress.

" Spread your legs," He demands in a throaty growl.

I do the opposite and hug my knees to my chest. My disobedience causes Brahms to grow more irritant. His head tilts to the side, eyes full of spite as they squint back at mine. Under his intense stare, it triggers my fight or flight response. But, instead of fighting or flighting... I freeze, not moving a single muscle. That's when Brahms suddenly clutches me by my waist. A gasp escapes my lips as his strong arms drag me downward, bringing me closer to him. Brahms then puts a hand on the back of my head so that I can't back away as he gets all up in my face.

" Don't make things harder than it has to be, Y/n," he warns in a condescending tone, " You know how angry I can get. You don't want to see me angry, do you?"

I shake my head.

" Good. Now let's try this again," Brahms says, letting go and backing away, " Spread. Your. Legs," he repeats again, enunciating each word.

I do as Brahms says this time and with shaking knees, my legs separate. His hand then grabs onto the hem of my skirt, raising them above my hips. When he reveals the wet mess I had made in my panties, the expression he had in his eyes was similar to how someone would look at their favorite food. Seeing how hungry he was for me, makes my entire body tremble. And then, when he slides my skirt down and tosses it behind him, I feel the heat of his hand as he places it on top of my legs. Slowly, he glides his fingertips across my skin, caressing my legs as they travel from my knees, over to my thighs, and then to my hips. It sends shivers down my spine that come in hot waves which causes everywhere else to pulse. Disappointingly, Brahms takes his hand off just before reaching the sensitive little area in-between that yearned to be touched by him. His fingers get as close as they possibly can to my clit without touching it. Knowing that he's doing this to tease me, I whine in frustration. I try and lift my hips up to get him to touch it. When I do, I could've sworn I heard a chuckle from him as he moves his hand away. It seems as though he enjoys watching how badly I want him and is doing this solely for his own amusement.

" Please, Brahms," my voice quavers, " Touch me already."

Brahms shakes his head, " I'm not gonna touch you," he explains, " Because I know how badly you want me to. Instead..." He pauses, looking down his gym shorts and then back at me, " I'm gonna play with myself. And you're going to watch me do it. You'll watch me until, I finish."

Brahms then tugs on his gym shorts, causing the head of his cock to poke out — it's smooth and pink. Just seeing that made my lower region tingle and my mouth water. But then, the rest of it comes flying out and I nearly choke on my own spit. Brahms stands before me, completely naked with an erection that almost reaches his belly button. He was a whole lot bigger than I had imagined. His hand looked so small in comparison to the size of his cock. When Brahms takes his right hand and wraps it around the base, he begins moving it up to the tip and back down again. He repeats the motion in long, slow strides. Brahms' abs gets tighter as his breathing gets deeper.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to touch it made me teary-eyed. My pussy was pulsating so much that I couldn't resist the urge to touch myself. Brahms had his eyes closed for a bit, so I took this opportunity to begin rubbing my clit. I go in circular motions, at the same speed Brahms was going. I accidentally let out a soft moan which causes Brahms' eyes to open. When he catches me touching myself, he's hesitant to move my hand away. I realize that it's his first time seeing my face when I feel pleasure. I know he secretly wants me to keep going. And, I bet he's regretting punishing me as it seems like this is becoming a punishment for himself too. Somehow though, he's able to muster enough strength and self-control to move my hand.

" Did I say you can touch yourself?" Brahms asks.

" No," I respond, " But you're not gonna do it, right? So, I will."

" Watch it," He growls as he climbs up onto the bed, " Think twice before giving me attitude."

He kneels in between my legs, body hovering over mine. Brahms takes both of my wrists to hold them above my head.

" Try moving now."

I use all my strength to shake his grip off from my hands but, I can't.

With one hand holding down my arms, he takes the other and continues stroking his cock again. I wished that he would use me instead. It's torturous how he's making me watch as he fucks his own hand. The worst thing about it being that I have no part in it.

While watching him play with himself, I notice a bit of pre-cum leaking out from the tip. Brahms feels it fall onto his hand, some even drips onto me. He looks down and then rubs the natural lubricant all over his dick, making sure every inch of him is coated and wet with it. After, Brahms brings his attention back to me.

His eyes are locked onto mine and by the intense look in his eyes, I bet he's imagining it's me that he's thrusting into.

As his strokes begin to get faster, the louder the wet sounds of his cock got. I know he's getting close when his breath starts staggering and he begins moaning.

" F-Fuck, Y/n," he curses as his eyes begin to flutter, " You're so pretty."

When Brahms begins to slouch and he starts to get sloppy with his strokes, I know he's about to pop at any moment.

" Come here," He pants, letting go of my wrists.

I bring myself closer and he puts his dick up to my face.

" You want me to cum in your mouth?" He asks.

" Yes, please," I reply, licking my lips, begging for a taste but — he doesn't let me. When I get too close, he grabs me by my hair and tugs me back.

" Promise me you'll behave first," He says.

" I promise I'll—."

" Okay, good," He cuts me off, " Now open that annoying little mouth of yours."

I open wide, ready to swallow his load. When it finally happens, Brahms throws his head back, letting out a low and shaky grunt as he explodes all over my tongue. It's creamy and the taste is mild.

After, Brahms gets off the bed and puts his gym short's back on. He starts heading out the door and before he could leave, I ask him where he's going.

" To take a shower," He replies, and then leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

As I lay on the bed, I take the time alone to reflect and all I can think to myself is... What the fuck just happened?

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