Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Waking up comes real slow and relaxed, as if the day was kind enough to come softly into focus. The gentle white-gold light of morning peaked through the curtains, illuminating the room. Though the room was lit up beautifully, the smell inside was unbearable. A putrid stench of decay hit my nose, drawing out every inch of drowsiness left from me. As I use my elbows to prop myself up straight on the couch, I notice a big fleece blanket over my lap that wasn't there before. I glance over to my side and look down at the empty spot next to me, remembering that Brahms and I had passed out on the couch yesterday. He must've snuck back into the walls during the middle of the night. I'm usually a light sleeper so, normally, I would've caught him leaving but I was too exhausted at the time to notice. I didn't even get to put out the fire which would have been a real hazard that I, and especially Brahms, would very much like to avoid. To put in perspective of how tired I was, the house could've went up in flames and I'd sleep through it.

The rancid smell of decay from the rabbit we forgot to cook last night was beginning to give me a headache. I tried to look for it, but it wasn't even in the room anymore. I'm guessing Brahms took care of it himself.

The stench made my eyes water. I can't bear staying in this room any longer. I arose from the couch and as I make my way down the hallway, a new scent fills my lungs. I sniff and sniff, trying to follow the aroma. My nose leads me into the kitchen, where I find Brahms. He had just closed the oven as I walked in. He had on a pair of grass-stained blue jeans and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It looks like he'd been cooking.

" So, I take it that the power is back on?"

He nods.

" I was wondering what had happened to the rabbit. It's not in there is it?" I ask, pointing to the oven.

Brahms shakes his head, " It was rotten. I had to toss it but, don't worry, I went hunting again this morning."

" It just sucks," I say, "All that work for a damn rabbit and we didn't even get to—."

Before I could finish my sentence, I feel a pain gnawing in the upper left side of my abdomen.

" Aughh!" I groan, eyes squeezed shut. I apply pressure with a hand atop of my belly, clutching tightly at the fabric of my shirt.

Brahms hurries over, laying a hand on my shoulder, " Are you alright?" he asks, worriedly.

" Yeah," I nod, " think so...I'm just hungry, that's all."

" Hunger pangs," he mutters quietly to himself. He returns back to a normal speaking volume as he lets me go, " Just a few more minutes and it'll be ready."

Brahms squats down in front of the oven. Watching closely as whatever he caught this morning cooks inside.

" What's that?" I ask.

Still squatted behind the glass door of the oven, " Fish," he answers.

" No," I say. Brahms breaks his stare to look up at me. Tilting his head in confusion.

" You don't like fish?" he asks.

I shake my head, " You said something about 'hunger pangs'?"

" Hunger pangs," he repeats, " It's a pain caused by an empty stomach, or hunger."

" You think I have that?"

" Most likely," Brahms says, " There's other causes of hunger pangs that could have an affect on you. Like, environment, lack of sleep, stress, hormones... Have you been feeling nauseous?"

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