Chapter 16

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Jennie does not see Lisa the next day despite her texts affirmation. In fact, she starts to worry more when the blonde calls her to say she wouldn't be able to make it to the mall, again. She asks if the latter wanted to come to her house at night when she was free, but Lisa insisted that she had things to do for the rest of the night.

Why am I even thinking so lowly of her? She wouldn't do that to me. Jennie persuades herself for the hundredth time as she sits by her bed, heavily bothered. This was what she was worried about. Ever since day one, the brunette had been afraid she would get her heart broken by the blonde in any way possible. All the trust that has been invested, was starting to seem worthless now. How the hell was she going to let herself get hurt this easily? Lisa was worth it.


It was nearing the end of the day and Jennie proceeds to give her girlfriend a video call in a fretful state of mind, hoping she at least has the time to answer. Hoping the call would comfort her.


[Hi, Darling! Is everything going okay? Have you taken dinner?] Jennie hears her enthusiasm over the phone, and examines the way Lisa's complexion seemed to glow when she appeared on screen, the endearment putting her at temporary ease.

"Yes, I just did. Did you?"

[Yeah, awhile ago outside.]

She ate outside? Why didn't she want to eat with me? Why didn't she call me out to eat? Jennie feels very perturbed. But she ignores it, not in the mood to question her, or make a big fuss out of anything.

"What are you doing right now?"

Lisa shifts the camera to her table, trying to provide the brunette with a better view of her activity.

[Currently working on this architecture module, I've been at it for about an hour now. I'm building a spacecraft model and I'm trying to coat this styrofoam base piece with polyester and aluminium but it keeps slipping off the glue. Pain in the ass.] She rants, pointing as she explains.

"That looks great."

[It does! Doesn't it? I'm really proud of this part, look. I spray painted the external tank gold!]

Lisa relocates the camera back to her face, and smiles to it mindlessly. However, she noticed something was up with Jennie, she looked disturbed. She doesn't reply. The blonde frowns, and sets her phone down to get a good angle. She realised the brunette had been giving her nothing but short replies.

[Jennie?] She paused cautiously, [Is something wrong?]

Lisa watched as her girlfriend sighed softly over the phone.

"No, why would anything be?"

[You look like you have a lot on your mind right now. Do you want to talk about it? You can talk to me.]

"I know." But Jennie only admits to the last part and stops there.

[Babe, what is it?] The blonde urges with a hint of concern in her tone, dropping everything she has in her hand and putting all her attention to the screen to get a clearer view of Jennie.

"It's nothing." She denies it.

Lisa goes silent as she pursed her lips in slight disappointment though she does not show it much on screen.

[That's fine if you don't want to share it with me, I won't force you and I won't pry. But if anything gets too tough dealing with alone, please let me know.]

Lisa faintly returns to her work and Jennie rethinks. I should ask her. At least ask her about it, right? She thought. How would anything be resolved if I don't speak up? But since when was there anything to be resolved in the first place? Lisa doesn't know she has a problem.

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