Chapter 6

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The glint in Jennie's eyes gleamed the moment a familiar figure enters the arcade.

Lisa. She acknowledged.

The girl looked as if she had a lot going on in her head. But she strode calmly to the counter where Jisoo was. Lisa is probably asking if I'm around. Jennie thought. However when the full-timer pointed to somewhere around the ticket machine and then to the claw machine, the brunette was left puzzled.

"Is it a habit of yours to always hide from people or are you just hiding because it's me?"

Before Jennie's mind could register the image of Lisa abruptly coming into view, her ears captures her soothing voice.

"I wasn't hiding from you."

"Then... what were you doing crouching behind the claw machine?"

Wait a minute... the claw machine?

Jennie didn't even realise she was behind a claw machine. Guess the fatigue was getting to her from her sleep depravity. No wonder Lisa spotted her, because Jisoo pointed over.

The brunette stands upright before shifting herself away gracelessly and much slobbishly, eyeing the blonde when she just let out an amiable laugh.

"Lisa," Jennie mutters, unsure of what she wanted to say first thing she saw her but she opens her mouth to speak again, "I wa-" but Lisa interrupts her.

"Before you say anything, I just wanted to apologise for the last time again." The blonde paused breathily, and Jennie tries to note the situation, "I think I was being too straightforward with everything? Like the ticket stuff and... I don't know if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way please let me know, and I'll stop."

Did I just make Lisa start to doubt herself? This is bad. Jennie panics.

Her mind blurs out as she observes Lisa fiddle with her fingers by her sides stiffly. Then she speaks again.

"You know, I feel like maybe you would just want to b-"

"No! No," The brunette's mind was a mess, she didn't even know how Lisa was going to finish her sentence but she assumed the worst, "um.. I was overthinking things. It's not your fault, and I'm not uncomfortable either. I actually love that you're direct."

Did I just say that last part out loud? Jennie stressed even more.

"Crap." She mumbles before pursing her lips together shamefully.

Lisa's eyes enlivened as if it started to glow, her body language lifted, "I'm glad to hear that," She thinks of something else that could direct their conversation elsewhere, feeling her cheeks burn, "Uh, did you like the flowers?"

"Yes, very much. I displayed them outside my window." Jennie thankfully recovers, but her voice comes out robotic.

"I see," Lisa mumbled, a smile threatening to burst out at the corner of her lips.

But the brunette's sudden awkward expression cut into some of Lisa's curiosity.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..... no.. actually, something happened."

"To you?"

"No... to the flowers. I think it's better if you don't know about it."

Lisa chuckles all of a sudden, "Come on, tell me."

"You sure?" The brunette stares at her with uncertainty, and proceeds when the blonde gives her a firm nod.

"Okay well, the flowers- you know how I said I left them outside the ledge of my window? I woke up yesterday to find a giant-ass freaking flock of freaking pigeons ruining the petals. I got so upset I took the surviving flowers in and slammed the window shut. Well, surviving 'flower', singular, because I realised only one tulip was left, and now I don't get to display them. And I pulled on my window too hard it broke off so I had to go get it repaired. Great. Just great. I freaking hate pigeons to the freaking core."

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