Chapter 12

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[To what do we owe the pleasure of a call? Is that you, Wifey?]

"I just had my first kiss, yesterday."


"I must be in a dream too, Rosie." Jennie breathed out, amused. As if this was thoroughly implausible. But it did in fact happen. She was kidding no one, not even herself.

[What- why didn't you call me on the day itself?! Or tell me at school this morning?! Why am I only hearing this now?! Twenty four hours later?!] The platinum blondie almost blasted Jennie's speakers.

"I was too shocked myself, Rosie. I was- the moment I got home I yelled into my pillow and literally lost my own voice for a good two minutes!"

[What the heck, Wifey? How the heck does one lose their voice for two minutes??? Are you okay? Alright, no one cares cause you already have your voice back. But how was the kiss?! Was it with arcade girl?!]

"Yes, and it was too good to be true. She's too good to be true." Jennie drooled.

[I envy you, Wifey. I still refuse to believe my first kiss was stolen by that Mark douche from grade ten which, by the way, turned me gay.]

Jennie laughs at the back of her throat, "Anyway, how has it been going with bookstore hottie?? Did you get her number yet?"

The brunette hears a sigh. She was expecting the worst, until Rosé's voice picks up.

[Bold of you to assume I would actually have the guts to ask. No, I didn't, unfortunately. But we sort of became friends after talking for a bit. I found out she has a whole collection of 'Bad Blood' series one, and now she's currently collecting series two! I wish I had enough to own a full collection like her.]

"It's okay Hubby. Once you start dating her, you'll get to read her collections anytime you want." Jennie enlightens, with hints of banter in her tone.

[It's not as easy as it sounds. Aside from being hot, and into reading, everything else about her seems so mysterious. Her personality is kind of closed off. I tried asking her when she usually comes to the store but she ignored me.]

"That's kind of rude of her, don't you think?" Jennie frowns.

[Maybe she's into men? Or maybe she's not single? I don't know, I'll see how it goes.] Jennie feels Rosé's solemness.

"It's okay, I'm sure she'll open up soon."

[I hope so. I'm so happy for you though, you're doing so well with arcade girl.]

"I mean we kissed, but we haven't gotten to the girlfriend convo yet. It's going to take awhile, I suppose."

Jennie hangs up as soon as she bids goodnight to her best friend on the phone. Goodnight. That reminds her of an hour ago when Lisa was just at her doorsteps. Their conversation about dreams. She smiles like a deranged woman to herself.

The brunette had never been so eager to wake up. She had never felt so desperate in hoping the hours would pass by like a blink of an eye, so she could spend time with Lisa again. Usually, she dreaded her days, like most people would. But now, practically in-love, the messed up world felt like a literal fantasy.

Jennie exits the school campus with some friends, and they gradually dispersed until only one person remains, Nayeon. The latter had been Jennie's childhood buddy since they were three, it was fate they ended up enrolling in the same school. Rosé had extra lectures so she couldn't leave with the brunette.

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