Chapter 13

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Lisa upgrades and takes Jennie out to a retro arcade-bar downtown during the next weekend with pool tables and dart machines. The brunette had no idea where they were going, and the blonde had no idea about the age-requirements with regards to game bars.

It was only until they got there that the latter was informed they had to be at least twenty-one and above in order to book a room.

"Well screw them, looks like my plan to impress you is busted." She whines.

"Lisa, it's okay. It's not their fault, maybe you should've searched it up?"

"It is their fault too! They could've lowered the age requirement since we already took the time out to travel all the way here??? It was an hour worth of bus ride!"

The brunette had forgotten, apart from having a well put-together composure almost always, sometimes Lisa had a childish side too. She was only seventeen after all.

"It's... that's the company's policy, they can't do anything about it." Jennie comforted her. Lisa was dumb for this but she found it cute instead.

"Besides, the bus ride was nice, wasn't it? Just the two of us enjoying the view outside the window, laughing about everything? The little kid that fell on dog dung in the park?"

Lisa sighed, picking up a smile recalling, "You're right. So where do we go now?"

"I don't know, you brought us here. I have no idea where this is." Jennie glanced around the area, they were alongside a street. Bun Street? What a hideous name. She thought.

"Maybe..... people eat buns here." The blonde says with much uncertainty, pointing at the street sign just as Jennie was wondering the same, "Are you hungry? Should we go get some Chinese cuisine and order some bao? That's how you say bun in Chinese by the way. Most people don't know but I'm actually fluent in Chinese." she flaunts.

"Oh, are you? Say something then, a full sentence." Jennie challenges when she sees Lisa put up a smug expression.

"Nǐ de pìgu hěn dà," Lisa explains, "That means you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"Are you sure about that?" Jennie bursts out laughing when she had secretly recorded what Lisa said for the translator function on her phone.


"That means 'your butt is big', dumbass. Did you really just say I have a fat butt??? You're unbelievable."

"Well at least I know how to say 'your butt is big' the correct way?"

"You're so silly."

"Smart, you mean."


"Okay, let's just go fill our hungry bellies with bao." Lisa changes the topic abruptly with her usual optimistic tone, slipping her hand into Jennie's gently and nudging her to come along in which the brunette followed suit.

"Now who said I was hungry?"

"You're bound to be."

They settle at a fancy Chinese restaurant, and there was indeed bao like Lisa had said. Perhaps, people really did eat buns at this street.

"I don't know whether you'll enjoy Chinese cuisine as much as I do, but this is the alternative to my failed plan for the day. I was initially thinking we could eat and play at the arcade for the entire day but curse that age requirement."

"We can still do that," Jennie enlightens, feeding Lisa a custard bun, "just maybe not at that arcade bar."

"Oh, I know! How about I try find us some internet cafe around the area?? Or if there isn't any, we can just find the nearest mall arcade and settle there??"

Jennie pouts, she loved the thought of that, but maybe they've been playing too many games. She thought about switching things up.

"Lisa? Instead of playing games maybe we can do something you like? I don't exactly remember you liking the idea of games. I appreciate it but we don't always have to do things I like."

Lisa's excitement stops, and she gobbles her meal down in silence for the next couple of seconds, pondering.

"Something I like? You don't mind?" She asked softly.

"Why would I? I mean I realised we've just always been hanging out at the arcade, and I think it's great that we do something different. I feel like you've been putting in too much effort into my hobbies that we've maybe neglected yours and it hurts my feelings." Jennie frowns, "Let's go watch a movie today, how about that? You've been wanting to watch 'The Eternals', and it's out now, isn't it? After this, let's go find a theatre?"

Lisa beams exceptionally wide and Jennie wonders if her cheek bones are okay.

She starts to get anxious when the blonde gets out of her seat all of a sudden from across her and makes her way over. Lisa bends down in front of the brunette, her face extremely and tormentingly close to Jennie's.

"I'm fine with doing things you like even if I don't like them because I like you. I've grown to like games, maybe still not as much as you do but I've grown accustomed to it. I love going to the arcade to see you and I love playing games with you. I'm sorry I didn't notice maybe you wanted us to do something I liked too. I thought even if we just did things you like, it'll be okay as long as you're happy." Lisa explains, her gaze intently on Jennie the whole time.

"Thank you for suggesting the movie," The blonde lifts her hands to cup Jennie's fluffy cheeks, eyes fluttering down to her lips, "You make me very happy. Even if we were to stick to playing arcade games our whole life, I'll still be as happy."

And then she lands a soft kiss on Jennie's lips, recapturing them the moment the brunette reciprocated with her eyes closed.

When Lisa gets back to her seat, her stomach feels too full of butterflies for anymore food. She looks up to Jennie, and instantly recognises the dreamy look she has on her face, the same one she had after they shared their first kiss.

She smiles, fully contented with life.

After the meal, the girls did as they planned. 'The Eternals' had a better story plot than Lisa had originally anticipated which was more than amazing. She even sneaked a few kisses with the girl she wouldn't trade anything with when no one was looking. They shared popcorn, they shared sodas, they shared Lisa's jacket when it got chilly, they shared giggles, they shared questions they had about the movie. They even held hands throughout.

It could go on for as long as Lisa and Jennie liked, and the night felt so free.

Was this what you meant when you said fall in love with someone who feels like home, mom?

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