"Really?" Jungkook asked.


"He must be good then"

"He is. Hoseok said that currently he is the best."

"Well I doubt on this one....right mom?" jungkook asked his mom.

"I don't know. If he is good then it will show results."

"Well my sweet mother, you will also have to cooperate with him. This time I don't want any excuses. If you want to walk then you'll have to do some exercises." Yoongi explained.

"Yeah mom. Till now you have fired almost 7 or 8 physiotherapists by saying that they were not good." Jungkook added.

"Yeah and this one works with national teams so this excuse will not work this time" yoongi added.

"You guys are so cruel to your mother."

"We just want you to walk like earlier mom. Its been 2 years now since you are on this wheelchair."

"We just want you to walk around in this house like earlier" Jungkook added.

"Its decided then. He will come here tomorrow and this time no excuses okay?" Yoongi asked.



"OKAY!! heard it now?"

"Yeah....we are going to office now. Lets go Kook! Bye mom"

"Bye mom...see you in the evening" Jungkook said and kissed her mother's cheek before going out.


"Morning Jin Baby" The buffer male greeted.

"Morning Joonie" The first male greeted back.

"Breakfast is ready?"


"Where is Tae?"

"He will be here soon....there he is." Jin smiled at Tae and greeted him "Good morning son"

"Good Morning Papa"

"How are you Tae?" Namjoon asked.

"I am fine dadda"

"Won't you ask how I am?"

"How are you dadda?"

"I am super fine"

He smiled at Tae but Tae got busy with his phone and soon they started eating breakfast.

"Finally you will be free now. Tae we will go on a picnic." Jin said excitedly.

"Yeah we haven't gone outside together for a long tims now because of your busy schedule. I will also take leave from my office." Namjoon added.

"No need."

"What? Why?" Jin asked.

"I am not free."

"But the tournament has ended now. You don't have to go with the football team now" Jin said.

"I have another contract from tomorrow"

"Don't work that much son, have some rest" Namjoon sounded concerned.

"Work is my everything dadda." Tae stood up. "Thankyou for the food. I am going to hospital."

Tae left and Namjin sighed.

"Where has his happiness gone Joonie?"

"Its because of that breakup. That bastard broke our son completely"

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