May: Moving Out or Moving In?

Start from the beginning

  "I'm drawing the line at putting your bed together," Ollie says after moving the headboard into our bedroom.

  It's close to 10 pm at this point in the day. We've moved almost everything from Daphne's into the new house.

  "It's fine really. We just need the mattress at this point," I say smugly.

  "You're lucky I like you, Evans. Even though I'm not a fan of y'all's little innuendos," Ollie says with a pointed finger.

  I laugh as I clasp his shoulder. "We appreciate all the help today, man. I know it's not a fun way to spend a Saturday but it's the only day I didn't have to work."

  James walks through the door carrying the garbage bags full pillows. He tosses them onto the mattress. "Dude, I'm done. Rene took the girls home two hours ago. I'm headed out now in the hopes I don't pass out before I get home."

  "Guess I'm out too, he's my ride," he tells me.

   I follow them towards the front door. "Daph! Your brother's are leaving!"

  Daphne walks back in from the laundry room where she was organizing the shelves. "Bye fellas," she says before leaning up to give them each a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks again."

  "Pool is on you next week, Chris," James says. "And the first round."

  "You got it," I say opening the door for them. We stand on the porch and watch them drive away.

  "Just you and me again, Mr. Evans," my bride says as we walk back into the house.

  "Whatever will we do, Mrs. Evans?" I ask wrapping my arms around her waist.

  Daphne hums softly. Her face looks blissful, serene. "Sleep."

  I breathe a sigh. "Good because I'm exhausted." We both fall into a fit of laughter. "Why don't you go soak in the tub while I throw some sheets on the bed?"

  "That almost sounds heavenly, with one exception."

  At this point I've already started putting on clean sheets. "What's the exception?"

  "I help with the sheets so you can join me," she says.

  "I think that can be arranged."

Daphne POV

  I sense the sun's rays start to shine through our curtainless bedroom window before I even open my eyes.  Resting against my husband's chest, in our new house, I have such a sense of peace. It's wonderful that we have this house together, but Chris is my home.

  My head rises and falls in the rhythm of his breathing. He's not snoring but I can tell he's still asleep. His shift isn't until 7 pm tonight so there's no rush in getting him up and going.

  Quietly I crawl out of the bed and go into the living room where I find Dodger still asleep in his bed. Of course as soon as he hears me he pops up. I head for the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Chris insisted it be the first item we brought to the house. He's so thoughtful of his wife's needs.

  I let Dodger out through the front door for him to take care of business. Since I'm not sure how far he may venture off yet I stay outside with him.

  "Come on, bubs. Let's get mama's coffee and we'll go sit on the back porch."

I had no idea how much I would truly enjoy being here on this property. It has the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere but yet I know that town is only seven miles up the road. Secluded just enough that it's peaceful. I can't hear the cars driving by or even the train that runs through town. I can hear the birds and the light babbling of the creek that runs along the property.

About half way through my first cup I look up to see Chris shuffling through the sliding glass door. "Thought I'd find you here." His ruffled bed head is adorable. But it's the pajama pants resting low on his hips and his bare chest that catch my eye most.

Chris comes to sit next to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap. "I don't like waking up without you next to me." He nuzzles into my hair before locating my neck.

"Sorry, babe. Just thought I'd let you grab a few more winks," I tell him as I ruffle his hair with my fingers.

Dodger comes running back up onto the porch after hearing his daddy's voice. "Hey Bubba. You go exploring?" He asks as he scratches behind his ear. Dodger answers with a loud bark. "That's right boy. Bark all you want out here."

Again, I feel peace and gratitude. I'm so thankful for this little piece of heaven on Earth.

"What's on the agenda for the day?" He asks me.

"I thought we'd put in some work unpacking a few boxes before lunch with mom and dad. Then maybe I'd join you for your nap before work?"

"Sounds like a good plan," he says standing up. "Let's get me a cup of coffee and top yours off before we tackle the boxes."

"Speaking my love language, babe," I say as I take the hand he offers.

Chris POV

"Praying for you," Daphne tells me as I walk to my truck. She stands on the porch to wave me off as I head into the station.

"Thanks, baby. I appreciate it." And it's the honest truth.

It's about a ten minute drive back into town where the station is located, assuming I don't get caught by a train. This time of day it's rare but definitely more likely to happen when I'm trying to get home in the morning.

The Chief is headed out as I'm walking in. "Sir," I say greeting him.

"Hey, did Vince ask you about a double?" He asks me.

"No," I say shaking my head. Please don't ask me to do a double today.

"He's looking for coverage on Friday if you're available," Chief tells me.

"Depends on the time. I'm off that day but can maybe help out. Daphne and I have plans in the evening," I mention as I remember the double date we planned with Hayden and Charlotte.

"You can check the schedule but I think it's a day shift," he says before he walks out of the door.

  I've barely had time to throw my stuff in the locker and check the schedule before the siren sounds. I run back into the garage to see Hayden jumping up in the driver's seat. Once I'm in the rig we call in to dispatch for more information.

  "Automobile accident off US1 South. Head on collision," dispatch says.

  Hayden flicks on the lights and sirens as we pull onto US1 headed South. We know we're getting close as traffic starts to back up. Unfortunately neither of us were prepared for what we would find.

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