November: Thanksgiving and a Wedding Part 4

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  Saturday starts early with all of the women heading out to the hotel where they will get ready for the wedding. With a quick good morning and goodbye kiss Daphne and Chris are separated for the next few hours.

Chris POV

  I can't help but chuckle as I watch Daphne follow the rest of the Jeffries women. She's shuffling behind them with her hair in a messy bun, hoodie and sweat pants covering her body. Oh mercy, she still has on her slippers. She's not a morning person. I already knew that information to an extent but seeing it first hand this week is a different story. Working the differing shifts I do doesn't allow me to not be a morning person. I guess one could say we balance each other out.
  Heading into the kitchen I realize I'm the only male awake. Glancing at the clock I see it's just 6:30 am. I could lay back down for a bit, but let's face it, I won't be able to fall asleep. Cup of coffee it is then. I decide to take it out to the back porch where I've been enjoying the sunrise. No need for a blanket today but I am missing my little heater snuggled in next to me.
  Daphne and I haven't spoken since last night when I told her that my future is with her. I'm not sure if she's there with me or not. Maybe continuing to guard her heart due to previous heartache. I told her I'd wait, and I meant it. But I want her to know that I am serious and not just saying what she wants to hear.
  Just then the back door creaks open and Daphne's dad comes out. "Mind if I join you," he asks me.
"Not at all," I say motioning to the seat in front of me.
  "It's so peaceful up here. Great place to gather your thoughts," Adam says as he sits down across from Chris at the table.
I nod in agreement. I'm sure he has no idea how many realizations I've had since we arrived Wednesday. "Thank you for letting me stay here with all of you."
"There was plenty of room. Just didn't make sense for you to stay elsewhere," Adam tells him.
"I'd like to pay for my share though," I let him know. "I can do cash or a check whichever you'd prefer."
It's his turn to shake his head. "No son, that's not necessary. I think we'll be the ones owing you for years to come."
I know that he's referring to the accident again so I let him know, again, that I was just doing my job.
"That's not all, Chris. It's been many years since I've seen the smile that covers Daphne's face when you're around. I'd do anything to keep my baby girl happy that way."
I shuffle around in my seat. Nerves are kicking in as I begin to contemplate how to have the discussion I want to have. I lean forward placing my forearms on the picnic table in front of me. Taking a deep breath I bite the bullet and start. "Mr. Jeffries, (I choose not to go with calling him Adam for this conversation as an extra sign of respect) I love Daphne very much. She has filled a void within me that had been missing for quite some time. I know that my future is with her. I'm not going to rush anything but I'd like to know if I would have your blessing to eventually ask her to marry me?" I'm holding my breath at this point, unsure of his response. I'm watching his face as I notice a change in his expression. He looks me in the eye. "Son, if you wanted to ask her tomorrow, Laura and I would both be fine with it. You are exactly what we've prayed for in a future husband for our Daphne."
I let out the breath I was holding. I can feel myself starting to get choked up so I swallow hard to try and push it down. "Thank you, sir," I tell him. Just then we are interrupted by Oliver and James asking if we're ready to go grab breakfast. Adam tells them sure and we'll meet them in fifteen. "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep this between us as much as possible," I ask him. He agrees and offers me his hand. I shake it as a wave of relief encompasses me.

Daphne POV

  After a second cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and bacon I'm finally starting to feel myself wake up. I wanted to throw my phone across the room when the alarm went off this morning. Thankfully my family has learned to leave me be until the coffee takes hold in my veins.
  Glancing around the hotel suite I notice that Rene's make-up is almost done and my mom's hair is finished. Next I'll be in the make up chair and Rene will move to hair. Mom won't let anyone else do her make up so after hair she's essentially done for a bit.
  "You're up Daph," Rene tells me. I head to the make up chair with a bottle of water in hand. "Ya know we only have one more wedding after this," she continues.
  "Oh, that's right!" Hazel exclaims from her seat on the couch.
  I'm not going to willingly walk into this conversation. "Really? I thought this was it?"
  I get a double eye roll from both my sister-in-law and sister-in-law to be. "You're telling me you've not thought about it?" Rene asks me.
  "You don't have to answer that, baby," says my mom placing her hand on my shoulder. I give her a grateful smile but know that I need to say something to appease the girls. "Of course I've thought about it. I think sage would be a beautiful color, maybe with blush or peach thrown in," I reply even though I know that's not what they're asking about. 
  I can see Hazel on the couch, tight lipped, giving me a look.  "Well," she starts, "I think Chris is the epitome of perfection for you. And he's not bad to look at." She throws me a wink.
  "Listen, Bride to Be, keep your eyes off my man," I sass back to her.
  "Seriously though Daphne, please tell us you recognize how perfect you are together," Rene asks.
  No words are needed as the smile on my face answers their question, and if that wasn't enough the deep blush will rat me out as well.
  Over the course of another two hours our faces are all painted and hair all fluffed and flounced. Rene and I get dressed first so we can help Hazel into her dress.

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