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"I promise I'll come visit," she says sincerely before slipping into the passangers side.

"Don't fuck it up Emiliano, she's a good woman, she's good for you," Carmin says sternly to Emiliano. "Don't be a dick, I raised you better than that, Don or not, I will whack your big head."

"Yes Madre," he says placing a kiss on her forehead before slipping into the car, beginning a very tense and awkward hour plus drive.

"Shit," Jasmine says looking at her ringing phone, finally breaking the fourth five minutes long silence.

"What?" Emiliano asks. She ignores him, answering the phone and placing it on her ear.

"Hi babe," she says sheepishly, making Emiliano turn to her with a death stare. He was a shitty boyfriend, she actually had forgotten about his existence.

"Eyes on the road," she whispered harshly to Emiliano before turning to the window.

"What is this that I'm hearing? The news says you are engaged to some Italian drug lord," he says getting to the point

"I'm on the news, did they get my good side?"

"Jasmine," he says sternly.

"Right, not the time. He is not a drug lord, he is allegedly a mafia don, emphasis on allegedly"

"You are not answering the question," he says impatiently.

"Yeah... this is awkward. I think we should break up"

"So your not going to explain to me what's going on?"

She rolls her eyes. "I'm forced to get married to a heartless mafia boss because Shawn is an idiot." She says making Emiliano turn to her, rolling his eyes.

"Did you not think to talk to me about this? Baby we are a couple remember." Jasmine kisses her teeth.

"You're right, how inconsiderate of me, next time I'm forced into a marriage I'll make sure to consider your feelings," she says before ending the call.

"Who was that?" Emiliano says looking at her for a second.

"Don't worry about it," she says dismissively.

"I'm not worried, I just want to know"

"Well too bad," she says scrolling through her phone.

"That attitude of yours is gonna get you into a lot of trouble dolcezza,"

"What, is that a threat?" she says rolling her eyes.

"No, it's a warning, watch that pretty little mouth of yours"

"For fucks sake Emiliano, what are you going to do, kill me? Please do," she says rolling her eyes.


The couple arrive at the mansion, Jasmine's new home.

"The maid will show you to our room," Emiliano says before disappearing down some hallway. Jasmine looks around before sensing a presence and turning to see Emiliano's sister that she was introduced to at the engagement party.

"Jasmine," she says giving her a hug. "I thought you wouldn't be coming till later"

"Yeah, that was the plan, but something came up"

"Right, that's normal in our world. Let me show you around," she says leading the way. "The East wing is restricted for most people, it's where the conference room for important meetings is, Emiliano's office and your room. The west wing has the rest of our rooms and training rooms." Sofia ends the tour in their room, giving her time to rest.

Jasmine goes back downstairs almost two hours later in sweats to find everyone in the living room.

"Jas," Lorenzo says, being the first to notice her.

"Hey everyone," she says, noticing that there was no open space fore her to sit, she finds her way to Emiliano, sitting on his lap.

The gang exchange knowing looks as Emiliano places his arms around Jasmine, whispering something into her ear.

"What are you doing with a man like Emiliano when you could be with someone like me?" Elena says from next to the couple

"What?" Jasmine asks, turning to her.

"I like pussy Jas, and you are just sexy," she says licking her lips.

"You know what, if I wasn't engaged to your brother, I would definitely be up to it," Jasmine says with a smirk.

"Really," she says with a smirk.

"Okay that's enough, she's already taken," Emiliano says bringing her to his chest making  Jasmine laugh.

"Fratellino, tu ed io sappiamo entrambi che non me ne frega niente se è stata presa o no," Elena says.
[Little brother you and I both know I don't give a shit if she's taken or not]

"Ti ucciderò, Elena," Emiliano says darkly making his older sister raise her hands in surrender before turning away. [I will kill you Elena]

"What just happened?" Jasmine asks Emiliano, not understanding the language but feeling his energy shift.

"Nothing," he grunts. "Get up," Emiliano says. She obliges, he gets up and leaves, leaving behind a confused Jasmine.

"What just happens?" She says out loud to no one in particular.

"Mmm, I'll go check on him," Lorenzo says weirdly before speeding after him.

The girls and Antonio continue to converse like nothing just happened and ten minutes later, Lorenzo comes back.

"Where's Emiliano?" Jasmine asks.

"He's... getting some fresh air," he says.

Later that day, Jasmine goes up to her room to sleep only to hear the shower running. She goes into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and completely ignoring Emiliano's existence.

Emiliano stops the shower, stepping out if the shower, drying his body whilst watching Jasmine, she rinses and wipes her mouth, turning to see Emiliano looking expectantly, she walks off.

"Are you ignoring me dolcezza?" Emiliano asks, amusement lasing in his tone as he trails behind her.

"I'm not," she says simply, undressing and changing into silk pyjama shorts and a matching tank top while he mosturises and puts on a pair of boxers.

"Then what's, wrong?" He asks, following her to their bed.

"What happened today?" Jasmine asks, sitting up under the covers.

"Nothing," he said simply.

"Right," Jasmine says before laying down, facing away from him.

"Right," Jasmine says before laying down, facing away from him

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