"Oh very funny." Marylinde chuckled and quickly got her head down as she turned back onto the main straight. She hurdled over it with her DRS wide open as they got into the fifteenth lap. She was side by side and even sightly ahead into the first corner, however, on the outside line and Pierre wasn't just going to hand it to her.

Pierre was already very much enjoying himself as well, especially as he watched Marylinde in his mirror lap after lap but just because he had fallen in love with her, didn't mean he was going to let her by. He let his car run wide and watched how Marylinde didn't back down, she let her car stand on the outside and let the wheels bang. She wasn't afraid. They exited the corner at the same time and immediately went into turn two, this time, with Marylinde on the inside. She pushed past Pierre and cheered over the radio as she did.

"Yes, guys. I have already forgotten for what position this was but hey, it's a position." She laughed and put her head down as Lando had already driven off into the distance. "Where the hell is the next car?!"

"Ten seconds up ahead."

"How, it is not like I was half a race behind Pierre!"

"You have gotten thirty-nine laps to go, just keep your head down. You will catch up, you have got the pace. Besides, Norris has started on the soft compound and will have to pit soon, which also explains his rapid start. Just keep your head down." Marylinde grumbled but did as she was told. She put her head down and made sure to get into a rhythm and put distance between her and Pierre, who was already fighting with Alex.


"9.5 to Norris ahead and 1.9 to Gasly behind," Marylinde confirmed until the team came over the radio again. "Gap to Hamilton ahead is fifteen point one."

"Where did Lando go?"

"He pitted and is now behind Alex."

"And he is?"

"Still behind Gasly, has dropped back slightly as you are pulling away."

"Copy, how is the data?"

"So far so good. All feeling well?"

"Very well indeed."

"So still plan C."

"Copy." Marylinde continued to push the car as she neared her own pit window. She was out there for seven more laps when she was quickly ushered into the garage.

"Box now. Box now. Safety car. Box now."

"What happened?"

"A crash in sector two, just behind you. Get in the pits, we are going for the hard compound." Marylinde drove into the pits and watched how the Red Bull crew quickly changed her used medium tires to the new, shiny hard compound.

"That was amazing guys!" Marylinde cheered as she got out of the pits, ahead of Lando who was on the same hard compound, only multiple laps older. "I keep forgetting you guys are the fastest at changing tires. That was incredible to experience from inside the car. I stood there and then I didn't. It was more exhilarating than the actual bloody start!"

"Seems like you are very much enjoying yourself!"

"I freaking am!" She squealed. "But who is out?"

"There was a collision between Alex and Gasly. Alex is out of the race, he is still parked up in turn 9 with a broken suspension. Gasly has damage to his wing and floor and is right at the back of the pack."

"Shit." Marylinde took her finger off the radio and cursed. Of all people she didn't want to see having a bad race, Alex and Pierre were two of them. "How long is the safety car going to take?"

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