Hello, Cruel World: Part Three

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Dean needs the sleep, but as hard as you try, you just can't. You're just worried about Joanna and how she might be doing. You shouldn't have had to leave her at barely two weeks old. You grab your phone off the nightstand and call Sam. Your dad might be asleep, but you know Sam isn't despite you telling him he needs to.

Sam answers on the third ring.

"Hey," Sam sighs.

"First question, how is Joanna?" you whisper.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Dean is asleep. He needs it. I'll give him a couple of hours before we head back. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Nothing's happening here anyway."

"Okay, so then answer my question."

"Joanna is fine. She's sleeping actually. One of us should get that luxury," he jokes.

"Second question, how are you doing?"

"Lucifer is reading the newspaper. He's unusually quiet."

"Yeah, well, we're positive for black goo here. It was the same stuff that came out of Castiel. Two of the kids from the swim team are missing, and one of them stole their parents' car."

Sam doesn't answer right away, and you have a feeling that he is listening to Lucifer. You call out his name, and he snaps back into reality.

"So, you think these, um, these Leviathan things just jump into people? Like Eve did?"

"It kind of makes sense, right? Anyway, the state trooper's got surveillance footage on the kids about six hours old. They were gassing up just south of the Dakota line, so in a couple of hours, we'll head back your way. We'll just track them from my dad's."

"Yeah, sounds good."

You say goodbye to Sam and hang up. The moonlight is peeking into the room through a window, and you just stare at what you can see of Dean's face. He's putting so much weight on his shoulders, you're not sure how much he can take before he breaks down. You give Dean as much time as you can before you know he needs to get up.

"Sweetheart, wake up," you whisper.

You run the back of your finger down his cheek, and he startles awake. He groans and buries his face deeper into the valley of your breasts.

"Dean, you have to get up. Sam needs us."

"I don't wanna," he pouts.

"I know, but I can give you a lot more than a quickie when we get back."

That seems to do the trick as he shoots awake. Men always want the same thing. It shocks you Dean's made it this far in life with the way he thinks. You just giggle and peck his lips before getting out of bed. It's going to take a couple of hours to get back, so you need to head out now before it's too late.


By the time you got home, your gut screams at you that something is wrong. You're not sure what, but you know if you go inside, then you'll be faced with something terrible. Ignoring all the warning signs, you rush into the house. The first thing you look for is the bubbly two-week-old baby. She can't be left alone, so you look for either your dad or Sam to watch her. When you find neither, that's when you begin to panic.

"Joanna!! Dad!"

"Sam!" Dean calls at the same time you did.

You quickly take out your phone to call your dad who picks up on the first ring.

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