Chapter 31: Woman To Woman

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh! Are these your babies?"

I nodded and said, "Yes! These are my daughters, Bobbi Kristina and Michaela. And this is my son, Michael John."

Gazing at them with a warm smile, Marc said,

"Oh my God! Whitney, they are absolutely adorable! They almost look like exact copies of you and Michael!"

I nodded in agreement and said, "I know! It's incredible, isn't it?"

Marc nodded and said as he got down to business,

"So, I have your wedding dress here! Are you ready to go and try it on?"

I answered, "I am more than ready, Marc! We can go try it on in one of the guest quarters."

Marc replied, "Great! Whitney, if you could lead the way and ladies follow us!"

I nodded as I led everyone into the guestroom quarters. 

A few minutes later...

Marc opens the door and I step out of the Guestroom bedroom in front of everyone to reveal my wedding dress!

This dress fits me like a glove, and with the beautiful Juliet cap I wore for my first wedding, I knew it was going to pull this look together.

With both of their jaws dropping, my mother said,

"Oh my God! Baby, you look SO so beautiful!"

Katherine said in awe, "Whitney, you look like an absolute angel in that dress! I know Michael's gonna love it."

Touched by her words, I said, "Thank you, Mrs. Jackson."

Cissy said as she gestured to the kids, "And look, even our grandbabies are stunned by how beautiful you really are!"

Looking at them, I saw my babies looking back at me in awe of my dress!

Looking at them, I saw my babies looking back at me in awe of my dress!

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Laughing with sweet joy, I said as placed a kiss on each one of them,

"Aww! You three are just the sweetest! You know someday, Marc is gonna come right back here and design the two of you a beautiful dress for y'all's wedding day!"

Marc nodded and said as he began to go over the features of the dress, 

"You know that's right, Honey! So, everything seems to be in order and I did go over the style of your head piece and compared it to this dress. And I think it will work just fine! Above all Whitney, I think you look absolutely stunning and I can't wait to see you walk down the isle in this masterpiece."

I replied, "Well thank you, Marc. I wouldn't have trusted anybody else but you to create this beautiful gown for me."

Marc asked, "I'm honored to hear that, Whitney. Would you like me to help you step out of this gown?"

Before I could answer, Katherine asked,

"Before you do that... Whitney, may you and I have a little talk?"

I nodded and said, "Sure. I'll be right back, Mommy."

My mother nodded and Katherine handed Michaela over to her as she and I walked into the guestroom bedroom to talk.

Closing the door, I asked her with concern,

"Is everything alright?"

Katherine replied, "Oh, everything's fine dear. I just felt that you and I needed to have a little talk before the wedding. Woman to woman."

Realizing what she meant, I said with a nod, "Oh... I see."

Katherine went on to say, "Whitney, as I'm sure you already know, Michael has been through a lot of heartbreak. Not only by the press, but by women. With Tatiana leading him on, Brooke leeching off of him, and then Lisa... Oh Lord! I couldn't tell you how angry I was when I heard that... That Jezebel cheated on him and broke his heart! And as a mother, all I want is the best for my son. Whitney, I already know that you are a good and beautiful person. But can I truly trust you in being their for my son? Loving him through the good and bad times, like a wife would truly love her husband?"

Listening to her words intently, I answered,

"Mrs. Jackson, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Believe me, I know what it's like to have my heart broken by someone who thinks with his hormones and not his heart. I could never bring myself to hurt Michael like I have been hurt. When he told me about what Lisa did to him, all I wanted to do was hunt her down and send her back to her maker! Because I knew all the garbage she said about Michael was not true. And if there's one thing that you should know about me, it's that I protect my own. If anyone tries to push me or my family, I will push back a thousand times harder!"

I went on to say, "Mrs. Jackson, I love your son. I love him with every ounce of love I have inside of me. And there is no one in this world that I would rather be with than Michael. And aside from him being the father of my children, This is someone that I see myself spending the rest of my life with. I promise you, I will do nothing but love and protect Michael for as long as I live."

With a grateful smile, Katherine said while pulling me in for a big hug, 

"Thank you, Whitney. You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that!"

I replied as I hugged her back, "You're welcome, Mrs. Jackson. And nothing would make me feel more honored, than to become a new member of the Jackson Family.

Katherine said sweetly as she took my hands into hers,

"My dear! You already are!"

We both smiled at each other as we wrapped our arms around each other and walked out of the guest bedroom. Although it hasn't been official yet, I starting to feel more and more like a member of the family already!


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Hey guys! Here's another update for this story, I'm sorry it took so long. I was really busy trying to wrap up another story I was working on and adjusting to my new school schedule. 

But I will do my best to update this story as much as I can. And think about this guys, We're just a few chapters away from the wedding! So stay tuned! ;)

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