33. After the Clash

Start from the beginning


"You got this Tom. Just keep skating. Keep skating to me." I skated a couple feet away from him while he was still skating. I gestured my hand to him. He was slowing down. "I'll catch you," I said smiling. He finally started moving his feet. He was scared but he moved. He looked down and up to me to make sure he doesn't fall. I smiled. He got closer. His hand started to reach me but I skated back a bit more.

"Marco you only said a couple feet!"

"Yea... A couple feet more," I grinned. He grumbled but kept skating. He started going faster. I did to. Basically, we were playing chase. I laughed as Tom tried catching up. We pass Star and Pony Head a lot. One of those times I high fived her. Finally, I was getting tired. I glided till I made it to the exit of the rink. I used my foot to stop me. I looked back seeing Tom gliding and coming at me fast, too fast.

"Stop Tom!"

"You didn't show me how to!" Why do I always forget teaching that?! Then he crashed to me and I landed back on the ground. I groaned when I felt the weight on me.

"You know if you two wanted privacy you could have asked?" I opened my eyes to glare at the girls. Tom got up.

"That hurt."

"Sorry. I kind of always forget how to teach someone to stop." I sit up holding my head. "Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine."

"O ummmm Hey pony I forgot this thing we had to do today."

"What? What are you OOOo you mean that thing. O I totally forgot about that Bfly. well let's go!" The girls left, changing their shoes and booked it out. I was confused.

"Well ummm. So... We still have the whole day to hang unless you have something to do back at home."

"O heck no. I finally got the day off and I'm not wasting it. Since you basically know this place more than me. Is there any place we can check out. I haven't here a lot since you know the merging and all."

"Yea. O we can eat out later! O I can show you the dojo to! Let's go!" We spent the whole day walking around, me showing Tom around. We ate out, played at the park. It was fun. I look back seeing the sun was going to set soon. I smiled. I stopped Tom.

"What are you doing?" I whistled waiting for a minute till she popped up. She rode right up. I smiled going to her head and petting her.

"Hey Nachos. How about a ride? Same spot to." She made her noises. I hoped on and patted behind me for Tom to get on. He did. I got Nachos to fly up in the sky and Tom grabbed my waist tight. I felt my heart beating. Finally, we were gliding in the sky.

"Hey Tom look." I turned to him seeing he was confused. I looked back to the sunset. It was pretty. It was different than before. It had other colors added to it.

"Woah...." I guided Nachos to the hill I usually sit when I want to watch the sunset. I hopped off and Tom did to. I went and sat down. He sat down and we started chatting away. He was telling me how the underworld is doing. Making a gateway for humans to see if they want to and everything or who wanted to live there. The sun was gone and the stars started to show.

"Man earth is actually cooler. Sucks when I become King. But at least I got my kingdom and still have to find a bride. My parents are really scared I may not find someone when I'm older." What? I felt my heart break. "Anyway, have you and Star hooked up since I was gone?" I brought my arms around me.

"Me and Star aren't together. We actually don't plan to.... either."

"What?! But I thought you two had a thing! I even broke up with her cause I thought she liked you to!"

"We actually talked about that." I sat down. "I actually see Star as a sister. With me trying to get all this together... I found peace with all the stuff that ran through my head. Found my past.... my parents okay with each other."

"Right. Forgot you're Eclipsa's Son to. You half monster! I forgot about that! Man having Globgor as a dad. How is that going?"

"Good." I smiled seeing him worry about me even though I been on dangerous adventures but did a lot of stuff. "He still calls me his little moonlight like before. Of course, I get embarrassed but I really don't mind it. My parents are okay. Man I was so scared how it would go but they are actually happy. I guess I'm still not use to being half monster but I still look more human than ever. Guess that's what Dad likes about me. I remember how disappointed I was when I didn't look much like him but I'm sure there's a part of him in me. I feel kind of complete. Star is also like a sister. So, I don't like her romantically but I have a different kind of love for her. She's the best."

"So you and Star aren't hooking up because y'all like family now?"

"Yea. And we techically kind of are? I thought I had a crush but she even confused herself. We agreed it was like family love. But with everything that confused me. Mom said one thing and it made sense. I made one thing make sense even if everything was confusing. I was kind of in love with someone."

"And it's not Star?"

"No Tom! It's you!" I shut my mouth. O my god.... I actually said that. Tears started to form. I didn't want him to know... I really didn't. Because I mean we're both guys.... And I don't even know he likes me!

"Marco...." I look at him. He looks away. "I'm sorry But... I can't return your feelings." My heart broke. The tears really fell but I kept my gaze at him. "I know we kissed but.... it was because of the booth I mean we just went with the flow. I, were dating someone else I'm committed. I was in love with Star." I stood up.

"And now?" I choked.

"I.... don't like anyone. It was just almost 2 months ago Me and Star broke up. It's not easy Marco. You can't expect me to jump into a relationship when you don't have feelings for the other!" My heart shattered. The tears fell and I look down. "Marco..." I smacked his hand away.

"Sorry just. I get it.... You and Star kind of just broke up and you didn't have time to get over her and I just admitted my feelings to you... Sorry imma just go." I got up and headed to Nachos who was lying next to the tree waiting.

"Marco wait! Can we talk about this!"

"Tom.... We don't nothing to talk about. I said it too soon. It wasn't the right time. Imma go home."

"Marco please. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you."

"We shouldn't see each other for while. Just... So, I can try to get over you okay? I don't want anything to get anymore awkward for us...." I hopped on Nachos. "Bye Tom." I stomp my foot to hear Nachos roar and fly to the sky. The tears didn't stop after we took flight. I felt my heart shatter but I got tired of him saying that I like Star. I don't! I just got triggered him bringing Star and the words came out.... I just couldn't.... I flied Nachos to the Monster temple. I drove into the entrance that was meant for Nachos. She has a room for herself. I hopped off. I took off her saddle and placed it away. I'll wash it later. I petted her feeling worse. She pushed her snot to me. I hugged her as she wrapped herself around me. I fell to my knees laying on her. I thought I could take the rejection but I was wrong. It hurt. It hurt a lot. I didn't realize I fell asleep on Nachos. 

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