"What is going on here?" Suddenly there was a voice behind us, a voice I knew well. Peyton was here.

Nathan stood up and moved away from me at a leisurely pace. He had a smile on his face, all traces of the vile man he was removed for the moment. "I was just speaking to Leah, getting to know her better." He had the fucking audacity to wink at Peyton before turning back to me, "Thank you, Leah. Today has been a pleasure. I am looking forward to spending more time with you. Enjoy your evening. Nomad." He nodded at us before taking his leave, casually strolling away while he whistled some tune.

Peyton closed the door behind him, "Are you okay?" She whispered, her tone gentle but her eyes were showing me her rage.

I wanted to rush over to her, to have her strong arms around me but it wasn't safe. Nathan could turn around at any moment and walk back in. I took a few deep breaths and nodded, "I am okay. He didn't hurt me physically."

She moved closer. Close enough to touch if I wanted to. "What was going on?" I looked deep into her blue eyes and saw more than just the rage...I saw the hurt. She knew I didn't want him, but I doubt that was pleasant to walk in on. It probably looked like Nathan and me were having a 'lovers' moment.

I did reach out now, running a hand down her arm to tangle our fingers, squeezing softly. "It wasn't what it looked like. He...he was trying to put me in my place. He told me that he would have his way with me, whether I liked it or not once we were married." Each word hurt more than the last as I explained.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I should go out there right now and put my dagger in him!" Peyton let go of my hand, beginning to pace around the room. Her steps were heavy, her boots loud on the stone floor, her breathing coming out ragged as her anger seemed to take over.

"Nomad...please, calm down. If you harmed him right now, they would surely kill you. They wouldn't believe you over him, or probably me. It seems my father really likes the man." It hurt me to see her like this. Even if it was understandable.

Peyton stopped moving, her chest rising and falling with each breath as she stared at me. Her eyes, usually a shade of blue just before a storm, were almost black with fury. "I...I need to think. I need to figure something out. I can't let you marry that man. I just...can't."

A few quiet hours later, I was in my room for the night, getting ready to bed. Peyton didn't say a single word after we left the solar, but anyone could see that she was angry if they watched her closely. Her face was devoid of emotion but her body was telling its own story. It wasn't until it was time for us to go to our separate rooms, that she finally spoke to bid me "goodnight" in a soft whisper. I knew that between the two of us, I was in a more difficult situation, having to marry a strange vile man, but my heart hurt for the woman I loved. Hers would still be a hard one, having to watch it all from the sidelines.

I sighed loudly in the quiet room, running my brush through my hair as my reflection stared back at me. The stress of the last few days seemed to have taken over my face; dark bags under my eyes, a sadness in my expression, the corners of my mouth downturned. I slowly set the brush down and just stared back at my reflection. Why couldn't this be easy? I mean, love was love, there shouldn't be all this hatred and deception. Peyton and I should be able to live our lives as we please. Peyton not only makes the perfect partner, I think she would make the perfect "King" for Blackrock. She was strong and fierce, but kind with patience. She didn't want riches or land, she just wanted to live a good life filled with love.

"Why does it all have to be so hard?" I asked in a whisper, but the quiet room refused to answer me. I couldn't look at myself anymore, getting up from the mirror and crawling into bed. I pulled the blankets high over my body, up to my chin, and just tried to sink into the warmth. I curled up on my side and just stared at the door, picturing Peyton on the other side doing the same. I closed my eyes and just let sleep overtake me, the stress of the last few days pulling me into a restless dreamscape. It was a long night.

The Princess's Protector (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now