4.22 ~ Cover For Me

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"Drinking a glass of salad is supposed to give me my life back?"- Spencer Hastings

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"Drinking a glass of salad is supposed to give me my life back?"
- Spencer Hastings

It's been a few days since we've found out about Ezra's book about us and a lot has happened since.

Spencer's parents found out about her drug addiction and has sent her to rehab for the past few days. Aria was over in Syracuse doing who knows what. Probably hooking up with some frat boy.

Now there were only three of us left. We were all in school as we walked down the halls. "Aria finally called me this morning." Emily says as we turn the corner.

"Is she still mad at me?" Hanna asks annoyed.

"She's not mad, she's hurting. But she sounded okay. Distant." Emily explains to us. "Are we still going to Spencer's later?" I ask curiously.

"It was so weird. I called her cell and her mom answered." Hanna says as we walk up to her locker. "There's no visitors and she's not gonna be in school for a while." Hanna explains to us.

"Probably for the best." I say as I put my hands in my jean pockets.

"I saw Fitz's car in the teacher's parking lot." I say as I turn to them. "Wait, he's back?" Hanna asks as she turns to me.

"Mm-hmm." I say annoyed.

"So he just goes to New York to collect the big, fat check for selling us out. And then what, comes back here to gloat?" Hanna asks annoyed.

All of a sudden we hear yelling from behind us making us all turn around. "I wish you would have told me this before I bought tickets." Mike yells at Mona. "Do you want to go at all?" He asks frustrated.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I don't know what to say." Mona says sadly.

"Give me a call when you figure it out." Mike yells annoyed.

I gulp as Mike turns to me before storming away. I roll my eyes as Mona glares at me before walking away. I sigh and turn around to see Mr. Fitz standing there, staring at the three of us before walking back into his classroom.

"Looks like he's still pulling Mona's strings." Emily says annoyed.

"Do you think Fitz was behind whatever that was? I mean, Mike and Mona didn't really make much sense unless--" Hanna says but I cut her off. "Unless she was spying on Aria for him." I say in realization.

"Now I'm mad. We should say something." Emily says as she walks off. I rub my arm and turn to Hanna nervously as we both stay put.

"Are you two coming?" Emily asks as she turns back to us.

"I can't. If you're gonna slash his tires or bust his headlights, I'd still be down. But I don't want to be in the same room with him." Hanna says nervously.

"I don't want to be near him either. Just thinking about that book makes me wanna punch him in the face." I say annoyed.

"I know. I get it." Emily says with a small smile.

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