Chapter 4

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"Stop walking too fast Dirk! I am tiny, don't you see. Don't you!?" she yelled being pulled by the arm by Derek mumbling incoherent words. He was left taking care of her for the evening without any warning except the loud banging of the little girl on his door. And now, dressed up for a date in a fancy restaurant he was stalking through the isles of the supermarket picking up some food to make a home cook dinner. He was thinking some pasta and some sauce from a can with some other frozen foods as side dishes. A little ice cream or some chocolate cake that was on sale for a dollar fifty would also be good for dessert, although he was hoping for the other kind. The kind which involved grunting and the headboard banging on his bedroom wall. That wasn't going to happen soon, all because of the little girl he had to drag at that moment who would not stop yapping her little mouth off.

"Can you buy my Daddy some jerky, cuz he likes that. He does!" she spoke loudly, wiping her driping nose with the back of Derek's hand that had her's clutched in his larger one.

"God!" he yelled pulling away from her, removing her disgusting snot from his hand. "Can you not do that, please." he sighed finding what he was looking for in the pasta aisle.

"I don't like 'pagetti Dirk. Can you make me some macaronni, pllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeee!" she begged, holding onto the leg of his pants as they walked farther down finding some pasta sauce.

"This is not for you Mer. This is for me and Addison, our dinner date since I can't bring her to the restaurant I was planning to go to because of you." he explained.

"What will I eat then?" she pouted.

"I don't know, maybe I'll make you some pb and j."

"What that?" she asked, her eyes wide in the new term he had spoken.

"Peanut butter and jelly." he said crouching down to grab a bottle of tomato sauce. It wasn't the best but it was good enough.

"Don't like that Dirk. I want to eat 'pagetti with you." she stated with a nod that confirmed her thoughts.

"You just told me a second ago that you didn't like it." he sighed.

"I like anything you like Dirk." she giggled, grabbing his hand before he actually knew what was going on. Chuckling he held her tiny hand in his as they walked over to the frozen food section.

"So does that mean you like Addison."

"Ewwwww, no." she said in pure horror.

"What happened to the 'I like whatever you like Dirk'?" he laughed shaking his head. One thing was for sure, Meredith Grey always created interesting conversation.

"What you mean what happened?" she asked in confusion, scratching her head in question.

"You see, I like Addison which means you should like her to. Don't you think?"

"No." she replied softly shaking her head. "You don't like her."

"I don't?" taken back by her answer.

"You're da Prince in Cinderella 3. Daddy bought it for me for being a good girl for a whole month! A month is like my whole life, I almost had a stroke." she gasped dramatically. "And..and when I watched it Cinderella's stupid sister took the magic wand from fairy god mother and changed everything!"

"Everything?!" he said shock, holding back the laughter that threatened to leave him at any moment.

"Seriously." She had already knew the S word that was usually used by older individuals. Mostly the other interns he worked with, the word spoken at least once every minute. It was rather...refreshing to have the tiny little girl say the word, speaking as if she were a sophisticated adult. "So the Prince forgot about Cinderella and Anastasia pretened to be the one he loved, and he believed her! It was so ewwww. Ewwer than the time Tina picked her nose and put it under a microscope. And Cinderella was sad and loved the Prince so much, so she tried to make him believe her. But he 'tupid Dirk! Like you." she giggled.

"Hey, I am not stupid." he defended, only earning another round of giggles. "I'm not!"

"Yeah you are, cuz you like Faddi Addi. She is the evil sister."

"Oh yeah?" he smirked as they made their way to the frozen foods locating the vegetables that had already been mixed and cut. "And who is Cinderella?"

"Me, you dumb head." she yelled, bringing his hand to her mouth ready to take a bite. He snatched his future neuro surgeon hands away from the little monster.

"You're Cinderella?" he chuckled. "I don't remember you trying to win my love Meri."

"It's cuz you never play tea party with me Dirk. I serve the best air." she stated proudly.

"Oh, and your air would make me love you?"

"What is not to love with me Dirk?" she giggled, rubbing her little button nose that was running ever since they had ran to the super market. "I am cute and nice, and you don't have to buy me a diamond, because I don't like stupid rocks to be my best friend. Just play with me." she said trying to get inside the freezer only to be carried away by Derek.

"So you think I should dump Addi and be with you?" he laughed, finding the whole situation quite amusing.

"That is ewwwer that eww." she grimaced scrunching her nose. "Can't you see I'm too young to become your trophy." she replied loudly, her hands on her hips. "You have to wait till I'm bigger, then i can be your trophy, cuz I seen trophies at this place. I forgot the name of it, but the trophies are big. I never saw a small one, so you have to wait for me to be atleast eleven. Okay."

"But Meri, that is practically my whole life!" he whined, hiding his smirk.

"Oh." the smile on her face turning into a frown. "You're old already, I don't think you have enough life to wait. Okay, I have a plan." she giggled.

"A plan?"

"If you ask my Daddy to by my Prince then maybe he will let me live with you forever and drink air for the rest of our lives!" she said with excitement.

"But we never even had our first date Mer." he chuckled as they walked to the cashier.

"I know!"

"Know what?"

"Me and you can have a date tonight."

"But I have a date with Addison tonight." he sighed in fake disappointment.

"Get rid of her already!" rolling her eyes at the logic.

"But she'll probably get heartbroken, and I don't want to do that to her."

"She has a heart?" she asked in question.

"Meredith!" he snapped.

"I have a plan!" she squealed.

"You seem to have many plans today, don't you?"

"Yes I do. We can go on our date, but you pretend that you are really with Faddi Addi. She can be the third meal."

"You mean wheel?" he corrected in amusement.

"That's what I said, you ding dong." she sighed in frustration. "That's da plan." she giggled as Derek placed the items on the counter where the female cashier scanned the different products. The woman seemed to have been giving Derek the flirty eye, which didn't go unnoticed by Meredith who tip toed to see over the counter.

"Hey airhead, stop looking at my date!" she yelled catching her by surprise as Derek shrugged in response.

What did he get himself into. Man, now he was a player.

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