Chapter 1

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He hated having to do this every week. Hated it. It was something that he dreaded and rather put off until it was absolutely necessary. And it was absolutely necessary at the moment since he had a date that night. A date with a red headed woman his best friend had set him up with. From what he heard through Seattle Grace's gossip bound express train, it was all good although most of the nurses were biased because of her polite manners towards the help.

And then there were the other few who had given her a nickname, Satan. She did have the whole look going on with the pale complexion, the blood painted lips and her fiery red hair curled or straighten with the help of a burning iron. But he had to put those negative thoughts a the back of his mind because he was going on a date with her. Addison Montgomery.

As an intern he usually spent him time studying for new procedures he would get to scrub in on with his resident, Bailey. Sometimes with Chief Webber and other times with those other surgeons who had a god complex and thought of themselves of gods in the real world filled with coffee addicts and cell phones attached to many workaholics ears.

He dragged his sack of clothing smelling like sweat and coffee through the laundry room located at the basement of the apartment building he was currently living in. It was thirty stories and was situated at the heart of Seattle, close to the Space Needle and many shops and restaurants to choose from. Over all it was a good deal, even a decent walking distance to the hospital when he wasn't feeling like a lazy ass and actually use his legs for what god intended them to do.

He huffed, rubbing a hand over his tired face before pulling out the several items of clothing, from jeans to light blue scrubs as he placed them into the washing machine pulling out a couple of quarters from the back of his sweat pants that were also stained by the salad dressing he had with his salad the afternoon.

Continuing on, separating some clothes in the process he poured a good amount of liquid soap that smelt like something fluffy that girls would love to snuggle in.

Click. Click. Click.

A sound that tapped onto the floor mixed with the humming music of the washers and driers. His eyes glanced up for that second and then he knew.

"Derek, fancy seeing you here." Addison smiled wearing a pair of expensive looking heels with a summer dress. Weird since it was still the middle of January with freezing rain hitting the city at that every moment. He contained himself from rolling his eyes at her choice of attire.

"Addison. What are you doing here?" he asked rather dumbfounded at the moment tossing in the remaining pieces of clothes into the washing machine not bothering to separate the rest while she was standing there looking all leggy and fabulous while he looked like...him.

"I live here, and I assume you do to." She smirked, a hand on her hip.

"Since the beginning of my internship. It's very odd that we have never crossed paths before." He mused.

"I live on the top floor, penthouse to be exact. Don't usually like going out because of the long wait for the elevators." She explained. Now that was what was different with them. He like elevators. Actually he loved them. He found a sense of calmness, the weight lifted off his shoulders as soon as he would get on the lift. Though he didn't usually use them since he lived on the second floor, using the step that seemed to be much faster than the demands by the many occupants who lived and paid rent in the building. "So, laundry. Sucks doesn't it." She teased picking up her little basket, pink. Odd that she had actually folded her dirty laundry in the basket that rather toss it in all wrinkled and unattractive like the rest of the population would do.

"Definitely sucks. Not how I like to spend my day off."

"Oh, and how would you spend them?" she asked, her question holding some flirtatious aura to it.

"I would be getting ready for our date, acting like an idiot worrying about my wardrobe and hair." He chuckled as she laughed along, leaning against the washing machine next to him.


"Oh yes." He mused feeling rather confident in his baggy and unattractive clothes than ever.

"Well I know how I would like to spend my day off." She whispered with a flirtatious smile.

"And what would that be?" he asked curious by her answer.

"God this is just sick."

And now meet Meredith Grey.

(So this story is a bit- questionable but highly entertaining. So just- go with it. It's also a little edited from the original version because I thought it would be best to take out any unwanted slurs. Let me know what you think of this story so far!)

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