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Ruby: Ok so, the first person one the list Is named Whitty. I think I heard of him before.
Cj: Yea his name seems familiar. His description is "A tall humanoid figure with a bomb for a head. "
Ruby: It's really late right now, I don't wanna waste time but we should get rest. It will be harder  for us to fight these guys without proper rest.
CJ: Facts. Gotta get that rest! I'll see ya in the morning!
Ruby: Yep.
(CJ goes into his room and goes to sleep. Ruby goes into one of the bathrooms and changes clothes and brushes her teeth. After she goes into her room and goes to sleep.)
"The next day"
CJ: You ready?
Ruby: Let's do it. You got the list?
CJ: Yes ma'am.
Ruby: The seal?
CJ: Yes ma'am
Ruby: the Radar?
CJ: Yes ma'am.
Ruby: Then we're set!
CJ: AaWw yea! Let's go find Whitty and beat the shit outta him!
(They walk around the city looking at the radar)
Ruby: It says that he's further up. The time estimate on foot is 30 minutes.
CJ: Once we get to him then what?
Ruby: I'm honestly not sure...We obviously can't talk him into being captured, so we have to fight.
(They continue to walk until the radar says arrived.)
Ruby: Cj! It says we arrived. He should be around here somewhere.
Cj: He's relatively close to where we live. I wonder if they're all this close.
( Cj looks through a alley way and says a tall man with a bomb head walking with hands in pocket)
Cj: Ruby! We found em.
Ruby: Uhm.. what do we do tho?
Cj: Don't worry! Stand here and I'll confront him.
( Cj walks up to whitty and confronts him)
Cj: Hey! Bomb head guy!
(Whitty turns around and looks at CJ)
Whitty: Wha?
Cj: I've um come to capture you! So if uh you don't want this to get ugly! I suggest you surrender and let me and her take you somewhere!
Whitty: Yea yea. Who the hell are you? Not really in the mood to fight right now. If you continue this tho I'll hurt you.
Cj: Hmph! Hurt me? As if! (CJ throws a mic at Whitty's head. Whitty catches it and stares at Cj with a sinister look.)
Whitty: *Sigh* I'm not in the mood for this kind of thing at the moment. But bring it on!
Cj: Hmph! Hey Ruby! Come sit on the Speakers!
Ruby: Oh man. This might get ugly.
( Ruby sits on the speakers and watches them)

Whitty: Don't say I didn't warn you. (Whitty throws a punch as he sings Overhead. CJ dodges it and sings aswell. Whitty then grabs Cj by the throat and slams him into the ground. CJ grabs the arm Whitty slammed him with and pushes whitty away)
CJ: Hmph! Not bad bomb boy! Don't think I'll make this easy for you! ( CJ runs up on Whitty and throws a few punches which Whitty dodges. Whitty then takes his leg and throws a barrage of kicks, Cj blocks them all and hits Whitty with a uppercut.)

Whitty: Gh! You little...
Ruby: (Suprised)
Cj: Heh! You impressed Ruby? This guy is a joke! Light work!
Whitty: Hmph! I'm not going all out on you because I don't even know why you're here. So I'm gonna ask you something before I destroy you.
CJ: Okay then, ask it.
Whitty: Who sent you to attack me?
Ruby: I'm not sure if we're allowed to tell you that.
CJ: He never said we couldn't, right? The man who sent us after you is.
Whitty: ...
CJ: Zardy.
Ruby: Wait,Whitty! We aren't lackies of him! We don't have a choice in the situation and we're doing it to get a friend bac-
CJ: Ruby! Forget talking to this guy! Look at his eyes. Full of red. He doesn't care about what we're saying.
CJ: You just stay your cute behind on the speakers! Leave this brute.. To me!
Whitty: GHHH! First you attack me and now INSULTING ME?! GAHHH ILL KILL YOU!
(Whitty dashes at CJ so fast that he doesn't even see it. He then teleports behind CJ and chops him in his neck with his hand as he sings ballistic. CJ stumbles but doesn't fall and hops back.)
CJ: ( He's fast. That's the fastest I've seen anything alive move. I have to win tho.)
CJ: Gaaaaahhh!!! ( CJ charges at Whitty and grabs his arms he then runs whitty through a wall and they start punching each other as people watch in fear. Blood starts flying off they're faces from all the punches.Whitty does a backflip and stares at Cj)
Whitty: That's it. I've been doomed into a endless cycle of running and hiding from things who can not control. Curse you,curse you and the filth that brought you into this world. (Whitty goes full ballistic and starts to sing the crazy part. Everybody Covers they're ears because he's so loud and he teleports behind CJ and Punches him through a wall.)
CJ: Gah!
Ruby: CJ! ( Ruby Runs to CJ and gets down on her knees so he can see if he's ok.)
Ruby: Are you-
CJ: What are you *Gh* doing? Get back! NOW!
(Whitty charges at Ruby and Cj grabs a long metal poll and inches before he grabbed her, Cj impales his chest with a metal poll with wires attached to the end)
CJ: Take THIS!!!
Whitty: .....
Ruby: ......
Whitty: * Huff* * Huff*. (Whitty jumps away from CJ and Ruby with the metal poll going right through him.)
Whitty: *Huff* *Huff* I guess that's it huh?
CJ: Yea. Yea it is! You'll be seeing the Scarecrow bastard soon!
Whitty: Hehe. Tell me. Do you think that your doing the right thing? Your about to harm tons of people, like myself. To get 1 friend back.
Whitty: Well. I don't think it's worth it. I wouldn't go through the trouble. Only for one person I would.
Ruby: And who is that?
Whitty: She's someone special to me. She's on the list if yours and. If she seen me like this right now. Man.
CJ: It's over,Whitty. I'm gonna seal you now and deal with you later.
Whitty: Do what you want with me. But I'm telling you this. If you hurt the girl on your list named Carol..... I'll come back. And when i do... I will kill yo—-( Before Whitty could finish talking, he collapses and falls face first onto the ground. Dead.)
CJ: ...
Ruby: I feel terrible..
CJ: Yea. But we have to do this. *gh*
Ruby: You're hurt. Really bad. Can you even stand?
Cj: *Coughs blood* I-I'm fine. He broke my arm and legs. But I can manage..
Ruby: Cj, you can't even walk... you can't manage like this. I can heal you, I just gotta find a way to get you home
(CJ struggles but he stands up. You can hear his bones crackling and breaking as he walks. Ghhhh!!!
Ruby: Cj,stop! Your in no condition to-
CJ: Shut up!
CJ: I love Cyrix,BUT IM NOT DOING THIS JUST FOR HIM! That mic means a lot to me. You don't know where it came from. All you know is that I wanted it. I don't wanna talk about it's past. I'm doing it for Cyrix, I'm doing it for The mic BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY. IM DOING IT FOR YOU! So let me help you! You don't need to take care of me just because I'm beat up! Whitty is gone now so we have to get the next person on the list!

Ruby: Cj, I appreciate you caring. But I'm not gonna let you fight in your condition. Broken legs, a broken arm,swollen cheeks,black eye,Broken ribs. I cant allow this! Whitty was obviously too much for us to handle! He was resisting.

Ruby: Do you understand me? If your doing this for me. Then listen to me. I'm going to fix you, im a pro at injury healing.
CJ: I understand. You have the power to bring things back to life aswell as healing right?
Ruby: I do.
CJ: Should we.. uh bring Whitty back to life?
Ruby: I think we should but after I fix you.
CJ: I can walk home myself.. Even with broken legs, I can fight through the pain.
Ruby: ... Sigh. Your not walking.
CJ: B-but why not Ruby!
Ruby: Gh! I already told you! You can barely stand! Don't make me injure you myself! If you wanna walk by yourself, you have to put weight on me and less on your body. Whitty is sealed so we'll deal with his body later.
CJ: Alright... I guess I understand..
Ruby: Good boy!
( They walk home with Whitty sealed.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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