Zardy's Maze

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CJ: Man I'm mad bored. Hey Ruby, what should we do? Y'know so we aren't bored like Rocks.
Ruby: Well we were suppose to encrypt something into the computer but we should wait for Cyrix. He said something about the Starlight Mic hidden in a maze. CYRIX said if he can do it right, it will tell us the location!
CJ: Sweet! When the hell is Cyrix supposed to come anyway. Should I give him a call?
Ruby: Well it's noon now, He said he'll be here around midnight so we got some time.
CJ: I can wait I guess. Man I'm so excited! I really want to wield that mic. It would be cool if we got it tonight!
Ruby: Don't think so far ahead you dummy.  The first step is the location finding. Once we find which maze, if it's in a maze at all then we'll take off from there.
CJ: Right right. Man I'm hungry as hell! We should order some pizza and play video games until Cyrix gets here.
Ruby: Sure. I'll order a pizza and drinks.
(Ruby goes to order pizza and Cj Starts up
The game. They play games and eat pizza until about 11 pm at night when they got a knock)

Ruby: Hm?
Cj: I got it. Pause the game.
(CJ looks through the peephole and he sees CYRIX. He opens the door and lets him in.)

Cj: What's good!?
Cryrix: Hey guys!
Ruby: Hey CYRIx. Wow you got here earlier than you said.
Cyrix: Yea, I was bored so I dropped by early instead. I'll do all The encrypting and Hacking. You two can watch or do whatever.
CJ: Alright. We're gonna keep playing the game for a while.
CYRIX: K. I'll be in the room on the computer doing the stuff.
Ruby: Alrighty.
Cyrix: K let's see here. This and that and this and-( Cyrix is Hacking his way into a system to find the location of the Mic. About 3 hours In and CYRIX is still on the computer.)
Ruby: Hey Cyrix.
Cyrix: Sup. I think I almost got it. I just need a few more hours!
Ruby: Cool.
Cj: CYRIX you're actually a goat.
Cyrix: Well Y'know I try. Alright, you two should get some sleep in the other room. I'll stay up and keep going at this.
Ruby: You sure? I think you need a break.
Cyrix: Pfft. Ruby are you underestimating me? Trust me I could go at this for a year straight!
Cj: Alright then. We're off. Let's go Ruby.
Ruby: Coming!

Cyrix: Mk let's see here. If I extract this and encrypt it into the executer it should tell me the location. (Cyrix Extracts the files and puts them in the executer. Something goes terribly wrong tho and a worm hole opens which sucks Cyrix in silently.)
Cyrix: Woooooaaaaahhh!!!.....AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!
(Cyrix lands in a maze with crops everywhere.)
Cyrix: Mm. Ow my head! W-where the hell am I....
Crops? Grass? A-am I in the location of the starlight mic? How the hell do I get back?
(Cyrix starts to walk around the maze with his hands In his pockets)
Cyrix: *Sigh* I'm doing all of this just for a stupid mic? Well it does mean a lot to CJ. He's a good friend so it's a good reason I guess.
(Cyrix continues to walk around the maze until he sees a big purple and blue sparkle.)
Cyrix: Wha? What's that light?
(Cyrix walks toward the light and there he sees a sparkling mic)

Cyrix: Well would ya look at that. This is it, I'll grab it then I'll find a way outta this creepy maze.

(Cyrix bends over to grab the mic. Right when he's about to grab it, a hand with sharp fingers grabs his arm.)

Cyrix: Huh?! What the hell? W-who are you?
(Cyrix looks up and sees a tall scarecrow with a big grin and hat)
Cyrix: Well are you gonna answer me?
(Cyrix slaps Zardy's hand to release his arm and jumps back)
Zardy: Hehe. You should know.
Cyrix: ?
Zardy: You should know that.
Cyrix: What the hell are you on about you weird ass clown!?
Zardy: It's dangerous to wonder in the DARK.

Cyrix: *Gulp* Who are you? (Cyrix inner thoughts" T-This guy, he's releasin a strong bloodlust. It's  Terrifying. I have a bad feeling that if I don't get the hell outta here then, he's gonna kill me!)
Zardy: My name.. is Zardy,young one. You are currently in my maze. Which means your trespassing. Which means I can kill you!(Zardy lingers over Cyrix with a Huge smile as he says that)
Cyrix: H-hey man, I came for the mic b-but I can l-leave if you want(Cyrix says this with a scared and nervous smile)
Zardy: Oh?.... So now you're trying to take things that lay in my maze huh?! (Zardy walks toward Cyrix and Cyrix falls over onto the floor)
Cyrix: HEY! D-don't come any closer!!.... I-i said stop moving!!... WAIT NO! AHHHHHH!!!!

To be continued.

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