Cloudsky Fortress

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Setting their sights upon the armada of flying fortresses mounted onto clouds. Ann, Corrin, and Haru decided to stay behind while Kirby uses the Warp Star to get him, Lance, Luigi, Dio, Narancia, and Ichiban up to the armada of clouds.

As they trekked through the armada of clouds, they made it to the biggest cloud, the Cloudsky Fortress. When they got inside, they snuck through the fortress itself. When they got to the big room, they came across something that looked like the Egg Dragoon. And piloting it was some guy named Kouetsu Kirijo.

Lance: Who are you?

Kouetsu: I am Kouetsu Kirijo of the Kirijo group. As you can see, I have built this fortress to keep myself away from those who dare to oppose the arranged marriage that will connect this world with Digitoll! And I will do that by forcing my granddaughter to marry Ean!

Luigi: That's it, we've heard enough. You're done for, Kirijo!

Lance threw a boulder

Narancia used Gun Down

Dio used Muda Rush

Kouetsu: That's it!

Kouetsu then caused the ground they were standing on to start falling on to the land below.

Kirby used Sword

Ichiban used Tenacious Fist

Luigi used Blue Shell

Kouetsu, in a fit of rage, then destroyed the ground, but before he did that, Kirby Warp Starred them to a nearby island.

Kouetsu, from a distance: Thought you could escape from me!?

Kouetsu then charged at them, but Dio latched on, and started rapidly punching the glass.

Kouetsu: What the-, get off me!


The glass then broke, and Dio punched Kouetsu in the face two times before jumping off the mech and pile driving him on the island the others were on. Lance then stabbed Kouetsu to finish him off.

Kouetsu: can't be...

Kouetsu then fell backwards into the water, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean, but not before being attacked by Dark Smokes and Dark Ghosts.

A strange portal then appeared before the heroes.

To be continued...

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