Sirius stumbled back in astonishment. His eyes were glaring but wide. His gritted his teeth and hid the blade. 'Sorry for doing this. You should know this is for the greater good.' Zinto looked down at the around sighing. The yellow highlights in his hair looked natural but also dyed. His messy hair tied back into a high messy ponytail. Sirius should've seen it all. The description that the Superiors gave him foreshadowed that they had planned this through deeply. 'Greater good? What good lasts until the next generation and Lunars commence? It's just a goddamned cycle of magic and tragic.' Sirius angrily spewed. Zinto kept a blank face on, his personality very much matched that of the icy Tsutomu.

Sirius charged at Zinto by instinct and anger. Zinto skillfully managed to block his attack. Sirius pushed Clara's dagger before stumbling away to try again. Sirius knew that his first attack sent his frenemy off-guard. During their short quarrel, Zinto only ever blocked even if he was pressed up against the wall. Sirius blindly attacked by anger. Sirius knew he wasn't himself since he usually was strategic and only attacked mindlessly if driven to.

'Do it.'

'Get rid of your enemies, traitors, the Superiors.'

Sirius was listening to this newfound voice. He restarted the use of his aura and it blared menacingly with more volts and he pulled out his fragile wand. The wand was already cracking from the overuse of magic flowing through the mini core. Zinto saw this clearly that Sirius was going to use a large attack indoors. One of the most dangerous moves to do.

Sirius didn't know who was controlling his body any more. The voice seemed to be stronger than his current will. The voice sounded awfully close to when Emiko changed hers insanely. That's when Sirius realized how evil he was being for a main protagonist. Sirius clutched his head in pain when the pounding headache returned. His magic flickered to nothing and he was trying to find a way to sooth the pain. He stumbled around before he fell into the arms of Zinto. He tried to push himself but the iron grip was tough yet gentle.

'We're both bleeding heads. Cleaning up before I explain further. Rest.' Zinto broke down his sentences. Sirius looked like he was about to pass out so he cut down his words. Sirius wobbled his way to the couch and sat down. He could feel blood gushing down his head. He didn't realize that the table hit him that hard. He opened his watch, he realized how there was an option that seemed like has been updated. He pressed it and it revealed a new mission. This mission was sent from C.E.O. and it specifically had all of the contents readied. Like who would be on the mission, location coordinates, date to leave and return, targets, and back ground information. All the missions he gained from school were: make team, nearby location, eradicate Ceres, and emergency. He realized how realistic C.E.O. really was to missions. This was a life or death situation.

Zinto swiftly made his way back with bandages in hand. He had a few cleaning supplies and cleaned up Sirius and himself carefully. They both had identical bandages around their heads, like the twins, but Zinto had a few down but his jaw line. 'Magic has such little information, we like to think that we know so much when we don't.' Zinto suddenly spoke, breaking the tension and silence. Sirius didn't know whether if he should listen or not. He decided to listen as he couldn't do much sitting in the couch to not suffer pain.

'Sorry that that damned Ceres took your spotlight since they are spying. You should understand they are rebelling.' Zinto sighed while he tried to relax. He was using his magic messily to clean up to remnants of the messy living room. 'I know you got the same mission as me.' Sirius looked at Zinto confused. 'I don't even go to the same school as you.' Sirius looked pale. 'I am also a spy.' That explained why he was secretly gaining info off the Lunar and his problems. Sirius looked down solemnly. Zinto saw this and panicked. 'S-Sorry, I didn't tell anyone about your personal stuff.' Zinto stuttered out hurriedly. Sirius huffed as he slouched down more.

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