f r o s t b u t i t m e l t e d - 8

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Sirius woke up with light beaming in his face, he could hear the sounds of fabric being tied. He rubbed his eyes and adjusted to the light quickly, not without becoming a bit lightheaded. He sat up straight, his mind then went to his pain. Itchy, pain, sore, ache, ouch. The woman that closed the room for the night was prepping the room for the morning. She looked around forty, she had casual clothes on. Her clothing didn't really look that uniformed. Her dark red hair was tied into a bun on top of her head. When she turned around to see Sirius sitting up looking sleep deprived, she greeted him and he greeted back. The pain didn't subside, it grew even worse, he felt so sickly that the same headache he felt back at the forest seemed to come back. He felt like vomiting.

'Four; don't let poison get you.'

He should've taken Izutoko's advice much more literal. Tyran whacked him with a stick like the day before, Sirius regurgitated on Tyran's arm. Tyran just gave him that disgusted shocked face. Sizzling could be heard from his arm. That sewerage look stuff was burning Tyran's arm. The woman turned around again and saw what happened. She rung the bell quickly thrice. The door opened to reveal a doctor and a nurse, they had a bag of medical supplies. They took one look at Sirius and Tyran. They both rushed over. The commotion had woken up everyone else except for Dillian. From the girls view, Sirius was getting his mouth checked, Tyran had his arm cleaned and bandage with some ointment.

'How long we're you all poisoned? By order.' The doctor asked as he closed Sirius' mouth and cleaned up the goo. It went like 'Kamiday, Tyran, Edeni, Sirius, Clara.'

He recheck everyone's injuries by withdrawing the bed curtains. The woman who witnessed everything had retied them back into their original states after. The three adults left the room. 'What happened?' Clara asked in a quiet voice. Tyran explained everything because Sirius began sulking under his covers. Everyone understood but didn't understand why Sirius could've puked in a trash can or something. Edeni looked at the wall where the clock was placed.

6:00 AM

Pretty early for everyone to be getting ready, it seemed like the staff had gotten here before that. Everyone were already on their phones. Takami began to fangirl with Clara because they showed each other something on their phones. Izutoko was reading the books. They heard a knock from the door. When the door opened, it revealed Emiko but she looked bright yet tired. When she closed the door behind herself quietly, it was busted open. She fell to the ground and Dillian had woken up oblivious to anything that happened.

In the door way was the dude with white hair and ice powers. He had his mask off, his face you could clearly see now. He looked a bit angry, his red eyes had slits. He stomped into the room with angry vibes. Ice started to form onto the floor where he stood. Emiko got up and fixed herself. He opened his mouth and-

'Do you need something? You shouldn't barge into clinic rooms like that.' He grit his teeth and turned around to face the tiny girl. She didn't look that fazed from him but in his eyes, he saw fear. 'I asked you where this room was and you ignored me!' He shouted at her. She looked a little too calm. 'Hey! Don't touch or be loud at her! She is fragile!' Clara said but her efforts were shut down when he turned his head and glared sharply.

'Um, I didn't ignore you. I asked you to quiet down since there are thirty-two others who are still recovering. I didn't want to show or tell you where this room was because your actions were sketchy.' Emiko said and she speed walked past him. He was fisting his hands and turned around with an angry look. Emiko went to Sirius' bedside, she pulled out a vial. When she rubbed a certain spot on his shoulder, he puked out the dark goo and it was collected into the vial.

The mystery waltzed up behind her. She was busy cleaning Sirius' face and closing the vial. She stood and backed up. She bumped into him, turning around and looking up to meet his eyes, she gave him a bored look and walked to Tyran. She did the same thing with him, then Edeni, then Clara. Takami was giving the mystery these looks mixed with disgusted, concern, and hatred. Mystery went back in front of the door and blocked Emiko from passing. She had to meet his eyes again with a glare. She had put the vials in a bag.

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