c i t y c i n e m a - 1 4

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There was too many people crowding the streets. It seemed that the midsection of the sky was only allowed for students on missions. Sirius has never seen any street crowded like this, not unless a shop had a big sale but the people in his town weren't this packed enough. The team were flying overhead and trying to avoid any boarding traffic. The students from other schools seemed to sneer at them like it was their territory.

Their travel to the cinema was longer than they anticipated because of how many people soared through the boarding area. They pretty much were shaken up by the fact that they just experienced urbanization. The quartet looked up at the large building. Ura Cinema Chronicles. The theatre was opened, which meant even more people were inside. The parking lot was full, people parking in no-parking spaces. The group made their towards the building. They all took off their jackets because of the humid air. It was very hot, the two lads were already sweating while the girls were preparing to get sweaty.

The doors were lit up by lights. The whole building looked like a circus, the inside was one. The people were rushing to get their tickets and security was already hustling. They had to somehow move past each defense. First were tickets, the staff seemed overwhelmed but had their eyes out. Second, the customers, these people were literally like animals rushing to this "amazing" show. Third, the security, these guys were very persistent and very mean looking. They had the Hawks eye, they could just spot someone smuggling in snacks easily. Fourth, they had to be on the look out for the Ceres. The list could go on but they all were struggling to stay focused, going in and out from shock and distress.

'I know we all have money, we should probably look like a family first.' Sirius suggested, immediately getting everyone to become grossed out. 'Why a family? Out of all the things you could've came up with? A family!' Dillian was shouting over the loud noise of the citizens. The others agreed but they couldn't really protest to come up with another idea without alarming security from outside in.

'We could just act like a group of teens out to watch whatever show we were supposed to come here for.' Takami suggested. Everyone seemed to be on board with that but that made a hole in their plan. 'How are we supposed to be on the look out for this Ceres? If we sit and stay and watch a show? There's a lot of people and we can't be moving around too much because that will cause misunderstandings.' Clara said while pointing at the security who were on scout every hall.

'This place is so huge but so many people fill it up.' Dillian looked up at the high ceiling. 'I wonder if spiders live up there.' Then terrible flashbacks came to mind to the four. Aieo was too focused on finding the Ceres to even feel the tension. Trojovan Woods left them scarred of spiders and snakes. The poison would've killed them by sunrise if it weren't for masked matter. Who they still don't know.

'Aight, Imma head out.' The group followed after Sirius towards the ticket booth. The man there seemed pretty calm and scanned them. Their clothes were all casual. He didn't really suspect anything when they conversed with each other for tickets. Tickets would be useful until they used them. They would be able to slip past the first wave of security and patrol for a bit without causing anything.

'Why is this harder than school?' Dillian angrily said while slouching her back. Everyone had to agree because being in a packed place after not having to feel such citied crowds for a long time is distressing. They were walking down the hall together. Never get separated in crowds because you never get back.

They were somewhere near the bathrooms. The big show of the day hasn't started. Yet that room where the show is located is at the other side of the building. There were movie rooms and other performances. Just how many people could this place swallow? Sirius led the group an inch further to the room of their doom"?" To be honest, they were more focused on not getting lost from each other than the Ceres at the moment.

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