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*Rock You Like a Hurricane by The Scorpions Plays*

Sir: Dum-E...you're crowding my space, I'm gonna need ya' to back up.

Sir: a bit more...no.....an inch isn't enough—come on you're being really clingy right now—and it's really making me uncomfortable.

Miss Potts: Tony what are you doing in here it's 2am?

Sir: J, turn down the music would you? Hey Pep—I'm almost done.

Miss Potts: Tony.....come to bed.

Sir: Ok ok.

J.A.R.V.I.S: Incoming call from Captain Rogers Sir.

Miss Potts: What could Steve want at this time of night?

Sir: No clue Pep. Let's find out. Patch him through J.

J.A.R.V.I.S: Right away sir.

Sir: To what do I owe this early-bird-special of a phone call Capsicle?

S.Rogers: Tony, I need you to go check on Wren.

Sir: Wow. No, Hi Tony! How are you Tony? Sorry for calling at two in the morning Tony—

S.Rogers: Listen Tony, I'm overseas right now on a Job, and I haven't heard from her. I need you to go check on her.

Sir: I bet she's probably sleeping, like the healthy habit having person she is.

S.Rogers: Stark.

Sir: Rogers.

S.Rogers: Tony. It's been two days she's not answering my calls or texts. Please just go over and check on her for me.

Sir: You think you did something to piss her off?

S.Rogers: She seemed fine when we said goodbye at the train station.

Sir: WAIT hold up. Train station? Did she come up there for an illicit sleepover?

S.Rogers: TONY. Please go check on her.

Sir: Right now?

S.Rogers: Yes, Tony—now.

Sir: Ok ok. But when I wake her up from her beauty sleep and get yelled at you are gonna owe me big time.

S.Rogers: Just call me after you see her please.

J.A.R.V.I.S. : The call has been disconnected sir.

Sir: He's so bossy.

Miss Potts: He sounded really worried Tony, do you think something is really wrong?

Sir: I'm sure Cap's just overreacting. I'll pop on over, check on sleeping beauty and be back in no time.

Miss Potts: Ok, be safe.

Sir: Aren't I always?........never mind don't answer that. J, prep the suit for me would you? I'd like to make a quick trip, it's past my bedtime and I need my beauty rest.

J.A.R.V.I.S: Right away sir.


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