Y/N hurried into her dorm, the room she once shared with Hanma. His bed was still messy, the majority of the blankets on the floor. Y/N pressed her lips together. Even when he wasn't around, he still managed to annoy her.

Y/N pulled out her suitcase, shoving all her clothes and personal belongings into it. She carefully placed Hanma's letters on top before zipping her suitcase closed. She sat down on Hanma's bed, hugging his pillow close. The fabric still smelled like him, giving her a sense of comfort.

Hours passed by and Y/N remained on her friend's bed, lying still. She had no interest in moving, not even when Isabella knocked on the door.

"Y/N, he's arrived. He filling out the paperwork." The woman opened the door, glancing inside.

"Hai," Y/N muttered, "Coming." She stood up, placing Hanma's pillow down, before grabbing her suitcase and making her way towards the door. Y/N spared one last look at the room before exiting.

Isabella closed the door and beckoned Y/N to follow her. Without any words, the young girl did so.

"We're getting a new sibling?"

"Wah, she's probably so cute!"

"Who said it's gonna be a girl? Maybe it'll be another boy!"

"Oh, please no. Anything but that!"

Multiple voices could be heard as Y/N neared Isabella's office. She could feel a sense of Deja Vu. But, instead of being welcomed into the orphanage, she was leaving.

Y/N walked into the chamber, her boots clicking against the tiled floor. She stared at the people inside, making brief eye contact with a blonde-haired female. She seemed in her teenage years. In fact, all of them did.

The man, who Y/N assumed was their father, held a blunt between his fingers as he gazed down at Y/N.

"This is her?" He asked Isabella, who nodded. He stood up, fixing his tie, before crouching down to Y/N's level. "Hey," He greeted, "I'm Asahi Hiroto, but you can call me Hiro." He offered her a smile.

Y/N observed his features. He had raven-black hair, milky-white skin, and pale grey eyes. He was certainly handsome for someone his age.

"Hi, I'm Nira! I'll be one of your big sisters!" A dark-haired female stepped forward, her red-tinted lips curved into a grin. Y/N blinked, wondering how someone could be so beautiful. "And, on my left," Nira pointed at the same girl Y/N had locked eyes with before, "Is Ashley. We call her Ash though!"

Nira was certainly an extroverted individual. Ashley, on the other hand, seemed more soft-spoken.

"Nice to meet you," Ashley uttered. Like Nira, she was very attractive. She possessed long, blonde hair that reached her chest, emerald-green eyes, and plump lips.

"Oh, and this is Jay, Ashley's twin." Nira motioned over to the boy standing slightly behind her. Y/N stiffened once his piercing gaze landed on her. His hair was a lighter shade of blonde and his eyes were an intense blue color. Like Hanma, he had one ear pierced, a delicate-looking and silver piece of jewelry dangling from it.

"Daisuke couldn't come with us, he had a baseball game." Ashley piped up. Y/N blinked. Four new siblings was certainly a lot to get used to. By the looks of it, none of them, except for Ashley and Jay, looked blood-related. Hiro and Nira did share similar features though.

"Hey, dad," Jay checked his phone, "It's almost time for your date with Ms. Kisaki." Hiro stood up, dusting off his hands.

"Ah, yes. By the way, here's the paperwork." The man handed Isabella the files. She smiled, bowing.

"Thank you." She turned to Y/N, "Take care. I hope you reunite with Hanma soon."

Jay and Ashley were the first to exit the office, Hiro not far behind. Nira grabbed Y/N's suitcase, softly smiling.

"Let's go," She outstretched a hand for Y/N to take, which she did.

Nira and Y/N hurried after Hiro, Ashley, and Jay, catching up in no time. Ashley slowed her pace, falling behind so she could walk alongside Y/N. Jay just rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pocket.

"You're gonna have so much fun," Ashley uttered.

"Yup! Daisuke is just a few years older than you are, so I'm sure you guys will get along great!" Nira cheerfully exclaimed.

"How... old are you guys?" Y/N mumbled quietly, just loud enough for the two girls to hear.

"Well, Daisuke is thirteen. Ash and Jay are fifteen, and I'm eighteen! None of us know dad's age though. We just know that he's... older than us." Nira shrugged, "But, it isn't a big deal. We're all happy, and you will be too!"

"I can't imagine what it must be like growing up without a family. Did you... have any friends?" Ashley questioned.

"... I had a few, but one stood out. He was adopted just before me... I miss him."

"Aww. I'm sure you do, sweetie." Nira gently cooed, "But, I'm sure you'll meet him again. Fate is a funny thing."

Hiro stopped in front of a rich-looking car, making Y/N's eyes widen as he unlocked it.

"That's... That's a Mercedes-Benz GLS." She murmured, in awe. Jay glanced over at her, slightly impressed.

"You know your cars." He spoke up.

"Yes," Replied Y/N, "I read every book in the library... including the vehicle books." The corners of Jay's lips twitched into a small smile. He nodded before climbing into the car.

Hiro strode towards her, placing a hand on Y/N's head and ruffling her hair, an action that reminded her of Shinichiro and Hanma.

"Kid," He said, grinning, "Welcome to your new life."

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