There's this one dude, Kisaki Tetta. He's a little younger and he's certainly an... interesting character. His eyebrows kinda scare me and I even had a dream about him using them boomerangs to hit me. Yeah, that was weird. Other than that, he's alright. He's smart but, for some reason, doesn't show it. He'll deliberately score badly on a few tests.

In a way, he reminds me of you. Just the tests part though since you would never use your full potential. I always found it strange, but now I understand why you did that. If you showed any signs of being too advanced, you'd be transferred again.

I have to end this letter now, the teacher is coming around to collect homework.

Yours truly, Hanma Shuji <3.


Dear Y/N,

Life is Tokyo has been great. I've been getting used to all the crowds and how busy it is all the time. My adoptive mom is nice and my adoptive dad is too, even though he smokes and drinks. I can tell he has a good heart and, deep down, he's a kind man. However, he just has bad coping mechanisms.

He's trying to recover with the help of my mom, but it doesn't seem like it's working. He's trying his best but I think he's too far gone.

Whoever said getting over an addiction is easy... lied.

Oh, and I've learned some more swear words! Of course, I won't say them since I don't have the right to. I may be a trouble child, but I still respect culture.

How are you faring? Are you adopted yet? You haven't written back, so I'm starting to get worried. Dad says I can go visit if I really want to. Hey, maybe I could convince one of my classmates' families to adopt you.

That way, you can get out of the orphanage once and for all and we can meet up, just like old times.

Remember that first time we met? You were so expressionless and void of emotion. Honestly, it kind of scared me. But when you told me the whole story, I felt like throwing up.

I just want to say Y/N, that your dad deserved to die. I don't care how mean that sounds, he deserved it for everything he did to your mother and other women. If a zombie apocalypse ever occurs and he rises from the dead, I'll kill him over and over again.

No matter what you do, Y/N, just know that I'll always support you. We're partners in crime, we have to stick together.

I can't wait to see you again, take care.

Yours truly, Hanma Shuji <3.


Y/N... Why aren't you replying? Are you okay? You aren't dead, right?

I miss you. Dad is taking me to the orphanage this weekend so I can see you. I hope you're still there. Finding you will be a hassle, especially if you're overseas. Of course, I can just ask Isabella.

Sorry to cut this letter short, but I need to hand in my homework... which I did not do. If you were here, I could just copy off you. But, unfortunately, you aren't. Man, I'm gonna get another detention. Eh, I could just use that time to write another letter.

Here's hoping it is au revior and not goodbye (Kisaki taught me that).

Yours truly, Hanma Shuji <3.


One more day until I get to see you! I'm so excited. I'm bringing cake, your favorite.
I'll let you eat all of it, you greedy gremlin.

My parents are busy people, so I can only spend twenty minutes with you, sadly. If possible, my dad said I can visit every Saturday until you get adopted. I want to see you at least one more time before you leave and I go on my quest to find you.

Heh, that sounds funny. I'm not giving up on you though, I'll search the whole world just to find you. I care about you that much and I miss you that much.

Kisaki offered me a cupcake today. I think I made a new friend, I don't know. He's a hard lad to read. He lets me copy off him sometimes, so I assume we're on good terms. Don't worry Y/N, you'll always be my best friend. I know how jealous you can get when I talk to new people.

I have to go, write back soon.

Yours truly, Hanma Shuji <3.


Hanma stared at the empty letterbox. He sighed. He still hadn't received a single reply from Y/N. He was starting to get worried.

"Y/N," He murmured, "Please reply."

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