𝑶𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 (13)

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About three years ago.

It was Christmas eve.

Nana and I were walking hand in hand along the streets in the neighbouring town.

Our steps left tracks on the snow that had covered the pavement.

Nana kept glancing back on those marks, her eyes sparkling in fascination as if footsteps on the snow were something magical.

But it was new to me as well.

In our town, this much snow didn't gather. Even if some snow managed to gather, it would melt away soon enough. We didn't have the opportunity to enjoy the charms of snow.

So I proposed a plan.

I had found out that the town next to ours would decorate their shopping street in the Christmas celebration. A giant Christmas tree at the centre was the main attraction.

When I told Nana about it, she agreed immediately. Though Kurosawa-san was skeptical in sending her precious granddaughter with me, we succeeded in convincing him.

Given the promise that I would take care of Nana and bring her home before 8.

"Wow!" Nana pointed a bit ahead. "Kou-chan, look! It's so pretty!"

I looked at the gift shop lavishly decorated with a Christmas theme and nodded.

"Let's go in then," I said and tugged her hand as I led the way.

A bell jingled as we entered the store. It was quite crowded.

I could hear Nana breathing heavily due to excitement as she took in her surroundings.

I couldn't stop grinning as I looked at her reactions. I felt proud of myself for bringing her here.

Her enthusiasm was understandable.

Our town which mainly observed Japanese traditions did not celebrate Christmas. We went to the shrine in the New Year and not the church during Christmas.

But other towns apparently did. We were always curious about what it was like.

So when I found a pamphlet advertising this town's Christmas celebration, I readily brought Nana here.

I called out to Nana who was hopping from shelf to shelf, item to item, "Nana, choose whatever you like. I'll get it for you."

She turned to me. "Really?!" She paused and looked at me with a look that resembled pity. "But Kou-chan, you don't have money."

Urgh. Her surety in my pocket's emptiness caused me to frown and feel embarrassed. She knew that I spent too much on games and mangas. Sometime ago, I got a new camera too.

I clicked several pictures of her ever since we got in this town. Even now the camera was in my hand....

I held up the camera in front of my eyes and looked at Nana through it. She automatically made a pose.

I smirked and said, "I do have money and since I'm feeling generous today, you can choose something good."

She gasped and I captured her surprised expression immediately.

I put away the camera but she was still surprised.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

I snorted haughtily like a rich man and said, "Of course."

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