"Hey I knew you're angry and shit but watch your mouth," I said to Diego

Angry or not we should respect her enough to not curse in front of her.

"Mom is it true?" Alfie asked and I poured myself a glass of whiskey.

"There are two reasons why I came back to Italy. One is because Diego needs an explanation and two is because I really missed my kids"

"Diego is not my biological son" she started and Diego looked away from our stares.

"Your father was having an affair with a maid, he's a man whore. In fact, he had lots of affairs with our maids but he got one of them pregnant. Her name is Emily Stewart in case you were curious. Your father wanted her to abort it but I told him that he should let her have the baby and I'll take it in as my own since she didn't want the baby either. I couldn't bear the thought of her aborting an innocent being. Even though I was angry about the situation I took you in as my son. I loved you just the same as any one of them" she said while pointing at Ace, Alfie, and me.

"Diego sweetheart I'm sorry you found out like that. I should have told you the minute you were old enough to understand. Diego, you are not my biological son but that doesn't mean you are not my son. You'll always be my little precious boy who I love so much. I don't care if I wasn't the one who birthed you. Sweetheart, I love you with all my heart and that's what matters to me and I hope it does to you" she said while walking towards him.

"Mom's right it doesn't matter your still our..."

"Shut up Alfie your not the one who's going through this shit and finding out your mom isn't your mom" he yelled

"Bro I didn't..."

"Just shut up" he yelled

"Diego please calm down" mom cried

"Mo..Azzurra I'm sorry but I just need some time to take in all of this. I have to be at a meeting soon I should go" he said before leaving.

"He hates me," she said as tears rushed down her cheeks. Walking towards her I hugged her.

"No he doesn't he just needs to process everything," I said

"I should have told him" she cried

"It's ok mom," I said while rubbing her back. She seemed thinner than usual.

She soon calm down and my phone started ringing making her step away.


"I'll call them back," I said

"No you should go to work sweetheart I'll be fine plus I need to rest I had a long flight" she sniffed and I nod before kissing her on her cheek.

"Ok, I'll come to check on you when I'm finished. Love you mom" I said and she gave me a weak smile.

"I love you too," she said before Ace and Alfie led her out.

Picking up the phone on its second ring I placed the phone at my ear.

"The shipments are ready," Ray said

"I'll have my men come pick it up then," I said before hanging up.

Returning to my seat I turned my laptop on.

There was a knock on the door and Liliana walked in her eyes focused on me. Her wrists and ankles were red and her hair was a mess.

Family Ties || book 1Where stories live. Discover now